• clouds,  landscape,  quotes

    With Love, Admiration and Respect

    It may be important to great thinkers to examine the world, to explain and despise it. But I think it is only important to love the world, not to despise it, not for us to hate each other, but to be able to regard the world and ourselves and all beings with love, admiration and respect.

    Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha

    I have several favorite places where I go to spend an afternoon with nature. In these sacred places I watch silent clouds move across the sky, casting shadows on the farmer’s open field. I watch the clouds reshape themselves with the wind and I hear the blackbirds share their whistles and “chack” calls with me. I wonder, are they glad I’ve come to visit? I give thanks, take a few photos and accept the blessings nature offers with love, admiration and respect.

    I took this image a couple weeks ago in Weld County. Today it looks different as we had snowfall during the night, overcast skies all day and it is cold. Hope you had a good end to your week.

  • Black and White,  quotes,  shadows

    The Holiness of the Moment

    “We forget that the path to God is bound up with our life in the world. Evidence of our spiritual mastery lies in our ever-deepening, continuously expanding humanity. The trick is to be as fully present as possible to the holiness of each moment.”

    Mirabai Starr

    I walk by this wall each morning on the way to and from one of my favorite coffee shops. I admittedly often pass, giving it only a mindless quick glance. At other times I can be more present, walking in my shoes rather than wandering aimlessly in my head. This morning I noticed! As it’s an east facing wall these shadows dance on the brick wall as the sun rises above the houses until mid day. Not only do these shadows create art on the wall, and a photo opportunity, they share with me the time of season. Soon to be filled with leaves these shadows will look differently. I’m hoping my noticing is a sign of being more present to life, expanding my humanity. So I accepted the holiness of the moment and sharing it with you. 

  • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  poems,  quotes,  sunrises

    More Patience

    The mind is but a visitor;
    it thinks us out of our world.

    Rilke’s Book of Hours: I, 51

    I saw last night that the morning hours could have scattered clouds so I drove to Pineridge Natural Area thinking nature could offer me some colors. I waited for a few minutes in the cold penetrating wind but my thinking mind, who Rilke suggests will think us out of our world, told me nothing was going to happen and a better choice would be to head for the coffee shop. By the time I was halfway there that pink streak you see on the horizon burst into a blazing pink sky. Sigh! This post actually follows up with yesterday’s post about going out with my camera and seeing what nature offers. Seems there’s a need for patience, even in a cold wind, to see what nature has to offer. Oh well, I enjoyed my mocha and told myself, tomorrow morning. And, it has been overcast and windy all day.

  • National Parks,  quotes,  Yellowstone National Park

    You had to be there!!

    “You can only appreciate nature by feeling and seeing it with the heart and the eyes of a child.”

    Michael Bassey Johnson

    I would not be able to look myself in the mirror if I visited Yellowstone National Park without a photograph of the lower and upper falls of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. I got both! Crowds were small at Artists Point due to the time of year. Without crowds I was able to just stand there watching, listening, experiencing the awe and wonder of it all. I took this photograph about 2:00 pm and that’s why the lighting is flat, but I also know any image would fail to express the experience. You had to be there!!! The waterfall captures most people’s attention but the canyon with those precipitous jagged cliffs and that yellow rock cause me stand speechless while listening to the sound of the waterfalls power echo in the canyon. I already wanna go back.

  • flowers,  Plants,  quotes



    “Language has created the word loneliness to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word solitude to express the glory of being alone.”

    Paul Tillich

    Words have become important to me as I’ve journaled through the past few years. And, words are important in my attempts to express thoughts and ideas on this blog. When I came across this quote it very simply gave me the words I was not able to express before. I like that. I use both the words loneliness and solitude in much of my writing. Now they have a much deeper meaning for me. I love words, and flowers, and sunrises, and…

  • horizons,  landscape,  natural areas,  quotes,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area,  sunsets

    Gifts of the World

    Setting sun at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area

    “When I close my eyes and wait for my heartbeat to match the drum, I envision people recognizing, for perhaps the first time, dazzling gifts of the world, seeing them with new eyes, just as they teeter on the cusp of undoing. Maybe just in time. Or maybe too late.”

    Robin Wall Kimmerer, from the Epilogue

    I’ve finished Robin Wall Kimmerer’s book called Braiding Sweetgrass. It’s been a while since a book has captivated me, educated me, moved me to tears, laughter and anger but left me with a desire to start rereading as soon as I finished. I found much enlightenment about nature that I was never taught in school or don’t remember or my focus was on the ballgame after school.

    Kimmerer said she wrote the book because, “I wanted readers to understand that Indigenous knowledge and Western science are both powerful ways of knowing, and that by using them together we can imagine a more just and joyful relationship with the Earth.” She explains how Indigenous people know a nature different than we do, most of that gained from reading the book of nature. That has stirred me to want to read more of this book of nature which means spending more time with her. Highly recommend the book.

  • haiku,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  quotes,  seasons,  snow,  winter scenes,  writing/reading

    To See With All of Them

    “I began to realize that the camera sees the world differently than the human eye and that sometimes those differences can make a photograph more powerful than what you actually observed.”

    Galen Rowell

    This is another image from yesterday morning at Pineridge Natural Area. It was not as cold this morning at -2 degrees as it was yesterday. Sun is also radiant against the blue sky today. I put on a pot of Chicken Tortilla soup and let it cook for about six hours. I love how the condo smells when I cook soup. It is a good day for soup.

    As some of you know I have played around with writing haiku and sharing it on my blog. I began to look at haiku because of the suggestion of a good friend. I knew nothing about it nor had I read any of it. My understanding is that a haiku is a language of creation, a way to re-create the essence of a moment and allow it to touch our hearts anew. 1Haiku-The Sacred Art: (The Art of Spiritual Living) by Margaret D. McGee. When the pandemic began I spent more time in nature, had those moments that touched my heart and tried to capture them with haiku as well as my camera. It seems to me the eye of the heart sees much differently than the human eye or the camera. Today my desire is to see with all of them.