• coffee shops,  consumer,  fountain pens,  journal,  journaling,  writing/reading

    Lifestyle Changes

    The Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, is quoted as saying “change is the only constant in life.” I believe he’s right. Some lifestyle changes we make on our own while some changes are forced upon us. Lifestyle changes can happen when we change jobs, move to another community, decide to marry, retire, live a non-consumer lifestyle, get rid of the TV, new eating habits and more. Yet, there are some changes that come upon us unexpectedly and unwanted, such as divorce, death of spouse, parent, child, natural disasters, health issues, war and more. Each time we face one of these changes we are given the opportunity to make choices on how we respond. How we respond to them is the bigger question. 

    I’m at a place where I’m facing lifestyle changes due to health issues. The reality of my mortality is very real today. Since the present is where I must live, I’m given the opportunity to face these lifestyle changes and make choices that can be rewarding. My hope is to live life with a new and positive attitude, no matter what. Pretty sure I’m preaching to the choir but I needed to write it and maybe it is a thought provoking post.

  • Food,  gratitude,  writing/reading

    Grateful for…

    This mornings avocado toast at Mugs

    … the breath of life, family, friends, sobriety, journaling, photography, nature, coffee shops, solitude, quiet, prayer, meditation, books, serenity, courage, an open mind, willingness, avocado toast, chocolate and …


    I would like to invite all who read this post to add to this short list above those things which you are grateful for. You do not need to add them in the comments necessarily but maybe find a piece of paper and write them down as you go through the day. Sunshine and blue skies here. Happy Monday!

  • Art,  latte art,  poetry,  writing/reading

    The Gift of a Smile

    Made a trip to the coffee shop this morning for
    a much needed dose of medicine in my recovery

    I was greeted with the beautiful smiles
    of Logan and Nate, over two weeks without them

    Nate brings me this cortado with his special touch,
    a cute pigs face made of frothy milk, now I smile

    Soft music lets the din of people’s conversations to dominate
    comforting me with voices and smiles from people I do not know

    I watch as a woman, pregnant with child, sits at a nearby table,
    reading her book with a cup of coffee, its steam rising in the sunlight

    I journal from my favorite chair where the sun warms me,
    these sacred moments somehow bring comfort and serenity

    So this morning I accepted the gift of a smile from my baristas
    holding their smile within me and offering the gift of my own smile

    Yes, the gift of a smile…


    PS: Sorry for the poor depth of field in the image.

  • Avian,  desert,  haiku,  landscape,  writing/reading

    Silent Predator

    in pre-dawn light
    eyes pierce the world of darkness
    silent predator


    Awoke to a dusting of snow with more possible later this evening. I made my first venture to a coffee shop yesterday with my sister and came home a bit worn out. It was a good experience for me. This early morning image of the owl was taken in 2006 along the Peralta Trail in Arizona while on a visit to see my parents.

  • fountain pens,  haiku,  journal,  writing/reading

    My Friends Today

    pen teeming with words
    brings forth this simple haiku
    my friends for today


    It is another cold and overcast day. The wind has picked up which adds to the cold. I have no desire to be outside but want to stay curled up in my chair, wrapped in my blanket, reading and journaling with my companions. My FPOTD1 Fountain Pen of the Day is a Brown-marbled Pelikan M200 filled with Pelikan Smoky Quartz ink (and words). Life is good! Stay warm!

  • fountain pens,  journal,  journaling,  quotes,  writing/reading

    The wind and cold

    “We don’t change as we get older – we just get to be more of what we’ve always been.”

    Joan D. Chittister

    The 2-4 inches of snow I expected to wake up to did not materialize. Nary a snowflake. But, we do have the wind and cold. I understand that they do have blizzard conditions on the eastern plains. I am inside listening to the wind and feeling the deep cold. I met some high school classmates for lunch today. Sadly I find two more classmates have died in the past month. Have slippers on and I’m in for the night. Hope you are staying warm and dry.