• bees,  flowers,  insects,  Plants

    Always on the move

    Moving On
    Moving On

    Trying to shoot any insect that’s capable of flying is a challenge. They are always moving. They are not moving as fast our universe,  so eloquently explained by Paul in his posting on the Milky way. However,  they are elusive and ddarters, tough on auto focus systems. I noticed several bees hovering over these flowers and knelt down to watch and tRyan to get some shots. Even though the bee is blurry, I was pleased with this image. He’s airborne and most of those images are blurry. This one’s in focus enough for posting but not printing. Another reason I like this image is the large glob (technical term) of pollen on his leg that can be clearly seen during flight.

  • insects,  Metro Parks,  Plants

    Pay Attention to the Urge

    Green Leaves and Rain
    Green Leaves and Rain

    I’m not sure how it happened. I was working through some images from 2009 taken at Inniswood Gardens when I discovered these two images. It seems I did very little with them at the time and most likely because I had shot a lot of images that day. It was a cloudy, overcast day with light rain and I’m in this beautiful garden, why not. For some reason I found the only keyword I had entered for either of these images was Inniswood Gardens. There was no keyword for dragonfly or plants or leaves or rain. Nothing. How the heck am I suppose to find them without keywords, unless I’m just browsing? I suspect slothfulness or skipped them because other images were more appealing to me. I could have skipped the dragonfly because it is a bit out of focus.

    A Dragonfly
    I think this a Clubtail Dragonfly. Forgot to ask when I took the photo.

    However, this time around they caught my eye. They also reminded me of those rainy, overcast days that provided such wonderfully diffused light while I lived in Ohio. It also reminded me of how often I came home with wet pants (from the knee down) when it was raining or just rained. I played with them a little, and for my taste, I like the way these two images turned out. My post processing included exposure, tone and contrast. Pretty simple actually. Why I did not play with these five years ago, I don’t know. But, five years ago something within urged me to press that shutter button. I must pay more attention to the urge.

    Delicate Flowers
    Delicate Flowers

    Oh, and these flowers? Well, I’m going to throw them in because I have the urge too. 🙂

  • architecture,  doors,  quotes

    Watch the Giraffe

    The Store
    Somewhere in Savannah

    When reason goes out the window, problems come in through the doorway of irrationality. Be careful it could be a giraffe. Sorry, but I’m playing around today. Only drugs I’ve had this morning is caffeine.

  • architecture,  Camera Equipment,  Documentary/Street,  quotes,  Transportation

    At the bus stop

    “I’m an old man now and have had a great many problems. Most of them never happened”

    Mark Twain

    Each time I wait at the bus stop at the Mountain Avenue stop, I see this bicycle on the other side of the tracks. And, each time I take a photo.  It’s a simple image. No strong colors or repeating patterns. It has a strange illusion of imbalance due to the sidewalk that rises on the right side. Yet, it speaks to me in some way.

    In reference to the quote, yes, my imagination does create illusionany problems, amusing commentaries and scenes at an astounding rate. They arrive while driving, doing the dishes,  meditation, reading, etc. Each time these take me away from the present, which is the only place I can live this life. As Rohr says, “Presence is only known by presence itself.”