Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • e.Brooks

    I’ve feel drawn to this photo, Monte, but I’ve not commented because I was trying to zero in on what about it appeals to me. Perhaps it’s the softer curves of the bike and rack against the harder straight lines of the bricks, blocks and windows or perhaps it the darkness of the bike and rack against the lighter tones of the wall and windows. Perhaps all of those things — I do like this photo!

    Great quote…I think the truly humble people are also have the upmost confidence and sense of self worth. 🙂

    • Monte Stevens

      Interestingly, I was pulled to this scene because of the windows and wanted to remove the bicycle. As I studied the scene I realized the bicycle added to the composition. The image was presented to me. I needed to see. I changed my position to include it as it is. I like it much more than just the windows.