• sunrises

    I’ll Be Back

    Morning Starburst

    The city has worked on the Red Fox Meadows Nature area over the past 3-5 years. I just happened to be near the area and noticed the added improvements and turned car around to check it out. They have improved the walking path from the muddy trails to pea size gravel, added some fencing and signs in the restoration areas and a bathroom. I was impressed. I was also impressed with the sun as it rose above the trees to start it’s task of warming up the day. And, this park is only three blocks away. I’ll be back!

  • Avian,  Canon Powershot G12

    It’s Saturday Morning

    Common Goldeneye

    The Common Goldeneye is a medium-sized sea duck. They are divers finding most of their food from crustaceans, aquatic insects and molluscs. The adult males have a dark head with a greenish gloss and a circular white patch below the eye, a dark back and a white neck and belly while the adult females have a brown head and a mostly grey body. Definitely not as showy as us males. Their legs and feet are orange-yellow. I enjoy sitting by the waters edge watching as they dive, playing the waiting game with myself to see where they resurface.

    I started a 4-day trip yesterday so when you read this I should be sitting on the patio at my hotel in Santa Barbara eating breakfast. Sometimes there are perks with my work. 🙂

  • quotes,  Self-portraits,  sunrises

    Watching and Waiting

    Watching and Waiting

    Morning light,
    Soft light,
    It’s colored light
    But isn’t bright.,
    I wait and watch,
    Then slowly I let my film soak up this light.

    Steve Coleman

    I prefer to be early, get setup and watch and wait for the morning sunrise rather than being in a hurry. Relaxed, I sat on a small boulder and nibbled on some grapes. Soon the sky began to lighten, the horizon began to appear, the sky and clouds took on a different hue, the birds sang a morning song, a rooster crowed on the farm just below me and dragonflies zipped past me. I think it’s worth getting up early. I’m standing near one of the three dams on the Horsetooth Reservoir and looking out over the sleeping city of Fort Collins. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

  • Candid Portraits,  Canon Powershot G12,  People/Portraits

    Make sure you get my best side …..

    The Photographer and the Model

    I want to believe these are the words the seagull is wanting to tell this photographer. And if not it at least makes for an interesting title to this post. Most portraits need a model, so this guy found a willing model for his portrait. I had to smile as I took this image because I was lucky enough  to find two models, one being the photographer. I’m also assuming the seagull is expecting something in return for the few poses offered, which did not happen. This was taken on Stearns Wharf in Santa Barbara. It was also a good for sailing.

  • insects

    Making Eye Contact

    Making Eye Contact

    I’m not a fan of spiders even though I know they have a necessary place in our ecosystem. They help manage insect populations by eating lots of insects that cause harm to agriculture and insects that bother humans, such as mosquitos. They also supply food for birds, lizards, wasps and other animals. I don’t stomp on ’em like I have in the past but I do give them space because there is a venom in those bites. The junipers along the sidewalk leading to my front door have a few spiderwebs which usually means there’s spiders. So, I peaked and sure enough there were spiders. So, I grabbed the tripod and a macro and got down close. We were sure making eye contact when I took this image. I’m still not a fan of them and was wishing I had a longer macro. 🙂

  • leaves,  Plants

    It was the light …

    After the Rain

    … that drew my eye to this image. We have had rain for the past few days with overcast skies allowing for soft light most of the day. While taking a walk I notice the leaves. The diffused light just brought out the green for me on this one and since I happened to have my camera, I lifted the camera to my eye and pressed the shutter.


  • sunsets,  Travel

    The Tubicle

    The Office View

    It’s interesting to watch the expressions when passengers ask me what I did before working as a flight attendant. I usually get a good response when I tell them I worked as an engineer, giving up my cubicle for a tubicle. My office views at 30,000 feet are so much nicer than looking at the three paneled walls surrounding my old cubicle.