• flowers,  Plants

    End of Summer

    Yellow Coneflower

    I made a trip over to the Colorado State University Experimental Flower Garden to see what shape the flowers were in. Needless to say the season is changing so most of the petals are turning brown along the edges. But that’s not gonna stop a photographer with a camera in their hand. I pulled out the 50mm f1.4 and crawl around for 30 minutes.

  • clouds,  landscape,  Plants,  trees

    I Like That Feeling


    In this busy and high paced world finding quiet and solitude takes some effort. Nature is a place to find that solitude and quiet. A strange feeling came over me as I stood there looking at the tree. I like the feeling. I hear no cars or sirens. I hear and feel the wind as it blows against my back. The clouds slowly move eastward. The tree stands alone. I like that feeling.

  • Art/Design,  Documentary/Street

    On the quiet side

    The Quiet Chief

    When Paul was out here a couple of weeks ago we encountered this stoic character while walking the streets in Golden, Colorado. He never said a word but just stared straight ahead, nor batted an eye. It didn’t seem to bother him as two photogs started putting their cameras in his face and snapping photos. We found him to be on the quiet side.

  • landscape,  Plants,  sunsets,  trees

    Details in the Shadows

    Sunset Along the Colorado Front Range

    In looking back over my archives I’ve discovered how many images I underexposed. I’m not sure the reason. I do know that the D300 I shoot now does meter on the underexposed side and I think that’s to keep from blowing out the highlights. The camera has a menu option to fine tune your cameras metering. I have mine set to +1/3 and seems to work for me. And, over the years I’ve learned to expose for the highlights and bring out the details in the shadows during post processing.

  • architecture,  music

    The Studio

    The Studio

    I’m not musically inclined except in my imagination or in the shower and there is no need to prove it, just take my word for it. However, some people are musically inclined, they practice the craft and bring enjoyment to people. This image was taken at some friends home back in 2005. I liked how the room was set up and the light so I took several images. They have sat dormant until today when they caught my attention. Surprisingly I took 36 images but when post processing them I did very little. I converted one to black and white then left them alone. Again, this is another example of how we can be attracted to a scene, take the images and then later on be inspired to work on them. Anyway, here’s the studio.

    I’m off to the mountains to help a friend shoot a wedding today, near Estes Park. It will be a long day. Enjoy your Saturday.

  • Badlands National Park,  landscape,  National Parks,  sunrises

    Those Expectations

    Sunset at the Badlands in 2004

    It amazes me I still look for how many comments or visits there are to my images. When I look at stats I am setting expectations and that is not what I want to do. My hope is that my images will say something to me and others, to move me and others. I shoot because I cannot shoot. There is something inside urging me to look for images and every so often being pleased with the results. Darn those expectations. Hope everyone enjoys their weekend!

  • sunsets


    Oregon Coast Sunset

    Looking back over the archives is an interesting way to see where I’ve grown as a person as well as a photographer, or not, and remember the places I’ve visited. But as I wander back in memory I’m sure I would not experience this coastal sunset the same way as I did in 2003. At this time in my life I would spend more time listening to the waves, smelling the salty air and maybe never need to take a shot. However it now has me dreaming about a trip to the coast.