• landscape,  trees

    Changing Colors

    Cache La Poudre River

    Made it up the Poudre Canyon yesterday and loved what I saw. The high country trees are turning colors and all around me leaves are fluttering to the ground. While enjoying it up there I realized I have not been camping in over 5 years. I think it’s about time. I checked on a couple of campgrounds and  noticed they will closing on September 30th so I’m heading up there today for a couple nights of camping. The weather is suppose to be nice. See ya in a few.

  • landscape,  sunsets

    Whaddya think?

    Tree at Sunset

    A comment made by fellow photographer Bob Dein on an image a few days ago had me revisit the above image and play around with it. He mentioned how the tree was his focus of interest, as well as mine, and “Perhaps a slight crop from the bottom to get the horizon into a lower, more pleasing position” would work better. So, here is the same image only cropped. It sure does change  the feel of the image. Whaddya think?


  • Plants,  sunrises,  trees

    Saturday Morning


    This past Saturday morning I woke waaayyy before dawn and unable to get back to sleep. I pulled myself out of bed, dressed and headed out the door. The mornings are getting cooler, it was 43 degrees with plenty of dew on everything. It wont be long and the dew on the car will be turning to frost. I drove farther than usual and found the above scene just inside the Weld County line. I setup my tripod right next to the fence, in the bar ditch, with a small farmhouse just behind me. I enjoyed the next 30 minutes and had the added pleasure of hearing the farm animals stirring. I really had to good laugh when the rooster started crowing his little heart out.He was pretty darn loud. I’m pretty sure most of the county was awake by 6:52 am. Cock a doodle do.  🙂

  • Art,  Sculpture

    I Ate Too Much!

    Looking for Dinner

    I do that once in a while, eat too much. This time my youngest daughter called and wanted to know I would join her and her two youngest children for dinner at Adelita’s, one of my favorite small mom and pop places. They always place a basket of chips and salsa on the table so when dinner does come you’re already full. So, on my way home I stopped by Benson Park just to walk off the enchiladas I happily consumed and the chips. Just as a reminder the park has 136 pieces of sculptures. Man, I ate too much!

  • Bench,  Self-portraits

    Watching the Sunset


    It is not only the tool that makes a good photograph. It is the person behind it. – Norman J. Piluke

    I have invested good money into my tools for photography and I hope to spend the rest of my life investing in the person behind those tools and every once in a while in front of those tools. Anyway, it’s Friday and another week has quickly come and gone. I’ve gotta quit blinking so much these weeks are blazing by.