• clouds,  quotes

    Evening Clouds

    Evening Clouds

    “You pray in your distress and in your need; would that you might pray also in the fullness of your joy and in your days of abundance.” ― Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

    Being in nature is a form of prayer. With my camera in hand I’m always looking for something to place in the viewfinder. To do that I must observe and stay present then I cannot help but see the wonder of nature and reflect on it’s creation. I’m thankful to be there and when giving thanks we’re offering a prayer in nature.

  • Arapaho Bend Natural Area,  landscape,  natural areas,  sunrises

    Should have gotten up earlier

    Just Before Sunrise and Frozen Pond

    Last week I slept in one morning. It seemed like the covers weighed a ton making it too difficult to get up. After another hour of sleep I found the strength to remove the covers and crawl out of bed. The sun was already up casting that warm morning light through my window. As I watched the sun in my room several questions went through my mind. What did this mornings sunrise looked like? What colors were there? What animals and birds would have watched it with me? What would it be like to see every sunrise or sunset? How many people see twelve or more sunrises or sunsets in a year? What would I be like if I experienced more sunrises and sunsets? Would I have a quieter mind, know more peace? Lots of questions this morning. Maybe I should have gotten up earlier. 🙂

  • Arapaho Bend Natural Area,  Avian,  landscape,  natural areas,  trees

    Don’t Worry

    Perched on top of the World

    I’ve found an early morning walk at the Arapahoe Bend Nature area is a great way to start my day. It can help reduce worries I have bouncing around in my head. Just as I reached my car I noticed a Bald Eagle perched above the area, watching, looking for breakfast. Sorry, I only had my short zoom with me so 50mm zoom is all you get.

    There is something inside of me that smiles when I see scenes in nature like this and not just because we see fewer of these scenes. I think nature is a wonderful teacher and, in my case, I need to be more of a student. I grabbed my binoculars and stood there watching him. I don’t believe this eagle is worried about the economic situation, taxes, Christmas shopping, the project at work, getting the car fixed, term papers, getting old, mistakes, weeds in the garden, painting the house, etc. Something inside tells me worry may not even be part of its nature because worry is related to a potential future event/circumstance. Animals do not worry because they live in the present. Animals do stress but only to a present situation and results in flight of fight. Its present moment in life is survival: food and water. Very different than man.

  • Essays,  landscape,  Photography,  sunrises

    I’m a Photographer: Part 1

    Foggy Sunrise on the Farm

    Mike Johnson has an interesting post about what he considers is the difference between a photographer and an art photographer. Bear with me as I ramble for a bit about the first part of his statement: being a photographer. As most of you know my posts are not very long or deep so this ramble will be the same.

    He starts by saying a photographer is someone who takes photographs. That definition makes me a photographer as, well as you. Many of us who tote a camera with us are regularly asked the question, “Are you a photographer?” My answer to that question has evolved over the years. There was a time when I had no problem telling people I was an engineer. I would then be placed in the box they have defined as an engineer. At some point in my life there was an awareness I only worked as an engineer. Who we are is much larger than any box people have placed us in. So, now when someone asks if I’m a photographer I have no problem saying yes while inside I know I am much more than just a photographer.

    I concur with Pierre Teilhard de Chardin; we are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience. As spiritual beings photography is one of many ways for us to participate in this human experience. It is a wonderful way for us to be a more active and vital part of our world. Photography is a passion, a love, a creative outlet, a form of expression and a teacher.Through photography we are able to experience the world around us with new eyes and gain a respect for all of life.

    So, yes, I am a photographer (and much more.)