Documentary/Street,  People/Portraits,  street photography

Meet Up Again

Paul getting serious with that pink spoon

I had the opportunity to pick up the far traveling Paul Lester at the train station in Denver yesterday morning. The man claimed to be hungry so the first needed was breakfast. This was accomplished a t a place called the Rand House Cafe on east Colfax. Paul and I both proved hunger was satisfied. Instead of driving to Mt, Evans we decided to wander the streets of Golden, CO. We picked the right day as they had the USA Pro Challenge bicycle race the day before so Sunday was quiet and peaceful. We stumbled into a yogurt place called Goozel Gourmet Yogurt. We all know the benefits of yogurt. It supplies us with a healthy amount of bacteria and as a dairy product we get a dose of animal protein. Paul and I went a step further and added the nutritional value of coconut, almonds, chocolate chips and any other toppings we could find. Adding a pink spoon for shoveling it in while sitting in a comfy lounge chair makes life seems pretty good. And as two photographers will do we took a few photographs.

Hotel Window at the Table Mountain In

We ran across this adobe styled hotel and both thought of Tom Dills and his architectural images that rock.

The Prospector

The streets of Golden were lined with bronze sculptures that added a different touch. We both took photos of this prospector showing off his find. Since this is the hometown for Coors brewery it was no surprise to see Coors written across the prospectorsย canteen.

Catch of the Day

Clear Creek runs through the center of town and was a pleasure garden for people. We found tubers, waders and fisherman. All along the banks we could find children of all ages dangling their feet in the refreshing water. We got Paul back to his hotel around 2:00 pm so he could rest after the long night of travel. His return flight was for 6:00 am in the morning so the time together was limited. Paul and I had met previously when Paul picked me up at my hotel in Charlotte and we met Earl Moore for dinner a few years ago. I enjoyed the time and it was good to meet up again.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Paul

    It was great to meet up again, Monte. After I went to my hotel, intending to sleep an hour or so, I did, got up, ate dinner, then slept an additional, unplanned, four more hours. I was beat!

    It takes a real man to wield a pink spoon in public, by the way! ๐Ÿ˜€

    I’m home now and the return trip was so much shorter and easier than the getting there, but overall, I’m glad that I did it. Hopefully, Tony is satisfied with his choice of school, way out yonder. He did indicate to me that he will not be driving home for a visit! LOL

    • Monte Stevens

      Glad you made it back before Isaac makes landfall. Even though the train was a bit late our timing was spot on and I did enjoy the conversation. And, I still see those white shorts. ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Paul

        Monte, it will be a while before I can forget the image of the white shorts and the black thong. A long time, thankfully! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • Tom Dills

    Now I’m like double jealous! Monte & Paul eating frozen yogurt and shooting architecture in one of my favorite towns I’ve never visited? And talking about me while doing it? Dang!

    I’ve never been to Colorado but have said since I was a teenager that if I ever went I would never come home. I guess that’s why I’m still here!

    Funny that the yogurt part of the story reminds me of the first time I went to one of those places where you load up your bowl and pay by the ounce. Kathy had a reasonable portion and I had my usual, and I was shocked when the total was something like 12 bucks! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Monte Stevens

      Yes, ya gotta be careful when paying for the weight. I discovered the same thing in Dallas at a BBQ place. I think it cost me $18 just for the meet. And, of course I’m not going to waste any food so I over indulged. And, our conversation about you was quite complimentary. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Earl

    Those are some tired eyes in Paul’s photo.

    Sounds like a good visit…would have liked to have been there…but not with the 22hr driving + train ride Paul endured. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Monte Stevens

      When I picked him up in the morning at the train station he was okay but he was one pooped puppy when I dropped him off at the hotel aroung 2:00 pm. It’s probably good that I did not take him up to 14,000 foot Mt. Evans, he would have passed out in the car, then snored. ๐Ÿ™‚ He mentioned that Tony said he would not be driving home for the holidays. ๐Ÿ™‚