Documentary/Street,  music

Street Musicians

Street Musicians
Street Musicians

Had a chance to roam the streets of downtown Durango, Colorado last week looking for a place to eat. Ended up with a piece of pizza the size of a large pizza. 🙂 I encountered these musicians playing some foot stomping bluegrass music. No way I could not stop watch and enjoy. A lot has been happening in my camp the past week and I’ll share that in an upcoming post. Hope everyone has a good weekend.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


    • Monte Stevens

      No, but I was tapping my foot and grinn’in. If you check tomorrow you will find my blog page to be blank. And, no you do not have a Missing Marble. Just click on my name at the top it will take you to my blog. I now have my home page as my blog page. You may have to change your RSS feed now.