Bench,  journal,  writing/reading

Experience Such a World

A Bench with Light
A Bench with Light

“Each moment is an opportunity to create. We can see this in each sunrise, sunset, flower, rainbow, snowflake, as they are a series of creative moments. We are all gifted to create. We can create new views of and for the world. Why do we waste our creative moments? Is it fear of our creation to be flawed or rejected by others and ourselves? Yet, our art is not intended to be perfection but a chance to offer a gift. And, what about sloth? Sloth is another reason and closely related to fear. Sometimes it is easier to daydream and fantasize in our safe little world than spend the time and effort at creativity. What would the world be like if we all overcame our fears? What would it be to experience such a world?” An excerpt from my journal 1/13/2015

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.