Blossoms,  Documentary/Street,  shadows

Blossoms, Shadows and Snow?

Blossoms and Shadows
Blossoms and Shadows

I took this image earlier in the week on campus at one of the courtyards. Loved the patterns and muted colors. Hope you do also.

I listened to a man excitedly attempt to explain new scientific evidence of God and the creation of the universe.  I accept his enthusiasm and desire to explain what he now knows, but…. he quickly lost my attention. There are some who have found their Spirit of the Universe, Great Creator, Higher Power or whatever and each is different. And, there are those who are not even interested in knowing or looking.

I’m personally drawn to mystery. Mystery is what keeps me seeking, listening, reading, writing, asking questions but not necessarily expecting to find “the” answer.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.