rants,  trees,  writing/reading

Before and After

Taken on March 28th
Taken on March 28th

The tree trimmers were busy last week working on all the trees on my condo complex. Of course they made a bit of noise, annoying noise. But the noise was not the most annoying thing. The total removal of the tree outside my front door was. I would sit on my porch in my Adirondack chair and read, write and contemplate, solving most of the worlds problems. I’d watch my neighbors the squirrels wrestling and chasing one another. With the tree removal I probably will see them less. I also used to have a front row seat to the concerts performed on the stage this tree provided by my robins and chickadees. 

This was taken on Saturday morning
This was taken on Saturday morning

I’m not sure but I think the tree was diseased as it did have more than it’s share of dead branches. I  believe it was an elm tree and  was at least 20 years old. Sad!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Cedric Canard

    I always find sadness in the felling of a tree as well. Though diseased trees can be dangerous when branches fall and I can’t imagine a tree would get cut down from this location for any other reason. In any case, I have to say that it’s a lovely outlook you have there Monte, even without the old elm.

  • Earl

    Sorry for your loss, Monte! Sadly they don’t seem to have done a very neat job of it. Perhaps they’ll be back to clean up and cut the remaining trunks to the ground. It would be great if a new sappling was planted somewhere too. Still snowing I see. 🙁

    • Monte Stevens

      Loss is a good word. I’m pretty sure they will be back as they left 5-8 foot lengths of trunk on the ground.
      Yes, we are having light snow and rain. In fact they are predicting a slight chance of snow tonight. Moisture!

  • Tom Dills

    I’ve had to have a few trees cut down and have had some neighboring trees meet their demise via chainsaw. I always feel like I’ve lost a long-time friend, as a tree has had to endure a lot in order to get that large. It’s just another reminder of how impermanent life is.

    I optimistically took my long-sleeve shirts to the cleaners on Friday and now am wishing I had them back! It’s not snowing here but is darned cold (for us) and wet!

    • Monte Stevens

      I consider all of nature a friend. Always feel a loss when they must move on due to mans constant encroachment into their world.
      I saw where you guys are getting some rain and cooler temperatures. Clouds have moved in around noon, had thunder and light rain that will continue into the evening. We could even see some snow after midnight and into the early morning.