clouds,  Family,  Fujifilm X-T3,  landscape,  mountains,  natural areas,  storm clouds

Congratulations Abbie!!

Storm clouds to the northwest at Reservoir Ridge

I took this image last night as storms moved through to the north and the south of us bringing heavy rain, lightning and thunder both directions. Surprisingly we stayed dry. Man, I love the beauty of clouds even though there can be a lot of damage from their power. They never stay the same, always changing.

I have been surprised with all the birthday wishes from  family and friends. This is my 70th year or just over 25,550 days counting leap years. Thanks to everyone! 

This afternoon I will be heading to my oldest daughters house for a BBQ and celebrate my oldest granddaughters college graduation. She was not able to walk for her graduation from CSU due to the COVID-19 issue. She has worked hard for this, changed her major three times and did the six year plan. Congratulations Abbie!!!!! I love you. ❤️ 

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Tom Dills

    Another great sky, Monte!

    I know you had a great day because you have a fine family. Congratulations to Abbie – I know how much work goes into completing something like a college education, but would not want to be contemplating a job search during these times. Hopefully she already has a job or one lined up.

    • Monte Stevens

      No job in sight but she is looking in the Denver area where the market is better. Her family is helping her by providing a place to stay and work from. Yes, I do have an Awesome family! They put up with me!