haiku,  Plants,  writing/reading

Still Ablaze

Milkweed seeds ready to be released into the wind from 4 days ago

orange veiled moon
above eastern horizon 
forest fire ablaze


Yes, I know the title does not match the image but it’s my blog.

While on a walk yesterday evening I notice the eerie color of the moon and the above haiku popped into my mind. Wrote it down as soon as I got back and then tried to take a photo of the moon. I was not happy with how the images turned out so all you get is the haiku and a milkweed image. 😊 The smoke does act as a decent filter to alter the color of the moon but I was not able to satisfactorily capture that.

This morning the smell of smoke was the first thing I noticed as I stepped out the door. You could look down the street or across the pond and see the smoke from the Cameron Peak Fire as it casts its haze everywhere. The fire is now over 125,000 acres but has tapered down some due to a good freeze last night. Their update this morning is positive news. We see and smell it constantly, a reminder the fire is still ablaze.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    I see balance, Monte. The destructive action of a forest fire in your haiku and seed pods promising renewal of life in your photo; Yin and Yang. 🙂

    • Mark

      Way to go Earl – putting a positive light on things! We certainly need those thoughts these days!

      We have already seen some hazing mornings here in Michigan, a reported sign of the smoke drifting from the fires – which is quite amazing when you think about it. I can only imagine the unnerving feeling of smelling it though when you walk out the door in the morning, wondering if it is going to be a good day or a bad one.

      • Monte Stevens

        I would not be surprised, Mark. The wind blown smoke can travel a long ways, even the soot and ash. I wear my mask because of the smoke as well as the pandemic.