Cityscapes/Urban,  coffee shops,  haiku,  lifestyles,  sunrises,  writing/reading

Morning Ritual

Morning starburst at Mugs Coffee from my chair

The smoke from the forest fires are now wind driven over the mountains and away from us, giving us a much needed reprieve this morning. We now have three fires burning: Cameron Peak Fire, Mullen Fire and Middle Fork Fire. The Mullen Fire has now moved into Colorado from Wyoming as it is a very aggressive fire. On a lighter note I enjoyed my morning mocha and clear skies.

this day’s starburst
promise of a brighter day
my morning ritual


Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Tom Dills

    Just today I corresponded with a winery in California that we buy from. They are okay so far but the fires there are also way too close. It’s selfish to say that we’re glad we got out there (and out of there) when we did. I can only hope for the best for those we know and care about. Take those clear days when you get them!

    • Monte Stevens

      I don’t see that as selfish. Well this morning the skies are smoky, the smell is bad and I can see the soot and ash fall from the sky. The foothills, which are only about 4 miles away, are almost unseeable due to the smoke. It may be that way all day.