Cactus,  landscape,  Plants,  sunsets

Update on my trip

Sunset from my parents front porch

Here’s an update on how things are going for my parents move. We have done a lot to clear out the house, getting it ready to sell and made a few minor repairs on the house. As you would expect after living here for the past 22 years there has been an accumulation of stuff, so we’ve made four sorted piles; one for trash, one for donation, one for us kids and one to take with them. I’ve had a wonderful time going through old photographs, albums, down memory lane.

I am impressed with the assisted living facility my parents will be moving into. The facility is only a couple of years old and the staff were wonderful. In fact I would like to live there myself. They provide three meals a day and snacks all the time. Art room, library, music room, Yoga room, big dining room.

Thursday and Friday were hot, 97 degrees, but much more comfortable today at 91 degrees. My sister and I flew down on Sunday and will rent a car to drive back to Colorado on Monday morning with the stuff we wanted to keep. Happy Mother’s Day!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Tom Dills

    I’m glad to hear that the process is proceeding smoothly enough and the new facility is working out for your parents. It’s a difficult task to sort everything out but good to do it when everyone is still on good terms and not facing any immediate crisis.

  • Earl

    It sounds like a positive and productive trip, Monte. I’m sure your parents appreciate it. Safe travels back!

  • Faye

    Glad to hear that things are going well. I had forty years of stuff to clear out so I know what you’re going through. The assisted living facility sounds fabulous. 🙂 Can I come too? Safe travels on your trip back home.

  • Joe

    Have a safe trip home, Monte! Glad to hear things went as well as they did. In preparing for our move we did (and are doing) the same 3-piles strategy but I find myself sitting and reading old letters and cards far too long.