Cityscapes/Urban,  lifestyles


Rainbow of Colors

It is cold in Myrtle Beach, 37 degrees to be exact. We have a long overnight so after breakfast I decided to take a walk. I put on a winter coat and headed outdoors. Across the street from the hotel is an abandoned shopping mall that has always intrigued me as a place for photo opportunities. I walked over to see what I could find and was granted a lovely surprised. The surprise included lots of colors, shapes and some wonderful people. Located on the opposite side of the mall is a costume store, a BIG costume store. It’s name is Imaginations Creative Costumes. Did I mention it was BIG? They tempt you as you walk by with beautiful colors and costumes in their display windows. The temptation was too great so I just had to step inside to experience it. Let me tell you it’s BIG.

A Clowns Mask

I imagine they have almost every costume ever made in there. Kids costumes, horror costumes, hats, shoes, makeup, props, accessories and all laid out in a very orderly fashion. I only talked with two of the three young ladies working in the store but found them to be friendly and very inviting.

Pick a Color to Match Your Purse

When I asked to take some photos for posting on my blog they gladly agreed. I spent about 30 minutes wandering aimlessly throughout the store, bending down here, walking complete circles around their displays. I was pleased with the images I came back with. Oh, and I was that close to buying myself one of those much needed Zorro hats.

A Golden Mask for the Purple Robe

I’ve done very little post production on these image. I shot them all on auto white balance and needed to increase the temperature a bit to bring out the purples as they were too blue. Color seems to be the theme in these images and I hope that’s okay. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

Find a Hat That Fits

The store has 5,400 sq. feet of floor space, that’s BIG. Of, course I’ve already mentioned that. It is a family owned operation since 1997. They claim to be the largest costume and dance wear retailer in south Carolina and I believe them to be. If your in the area it would be a great place to shop. Prices are reasonable and you may find that costume you’ve been looking for.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


    • Monte Stevens

      No, didn’t buy anything but sure was tempted. We had a long day yesterday, due to the weather in CLT. We didn’t arrive in New York until 4:30 this morning. Today is going to be a long day, also. Hope your foot feels better.

  • Paul

    Monte: I think that you should have picked up one of those Zorro hats for your next self-portrait session. You’d look quite dashing and heroic! 🙂 Great haul of photos and very colorful!

    I’m kind of feelin’ that pink hat in the last photo. I could use it when I go out in the street to shoot photos. Nothing disarms people like a silly hat. That makes your visibility about 100% and your threat level 0%. I wore a chicken hat in Savannah and got some great pictures and fun conversations.

    • Monte Stevens

      Paul, we’d probably make any hat look good whether it’s pink or not.

      That’s interesting I have a chicken hat also. Never thought about using it on the street, suppose it could work. Maybe I should wear it for a self-portrait.