Avian,  desert,  haiku,  landscape,  writing/reading

Silent Predator

in pre-dawn light
eyes pierce the world of darkness
silent predator


Awoke to a dusting of snow with more possible later this evening. I made my first venture to a coffee shop yesterday with my sister and came home a bit worn out. It was a good experience for me. This early morning image of the owl was taken in 2006 along the Peralta Trail in Arizona while on a visit to see my parents.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Faye White

    Lovely image, it does have a very Southwest feel. Good to hear that you’re able to venture out a bit. Take care and stay warm.

  • Earl

    Even if tiring, I know it was rewarding to revisit a coffee shop. Does your sister live locally? Lovely photo and appropriate verse, Monte.

    • Monte Stevens

      My sister lives about 13 miles south of me. It takes about 20 minutes to get here. She is taking me to the doctors appointment this morning because she wants to and two sets of ears is better than one. Thanks Earl!

    • Monte Stevens

      Yes, the emotional impact was all I needed. Thank you for the well wishes! If I’m not mistaken you have gone through something similar in the past. Have a super Awesome day!