fall season,  leaves,  Metro Parks,  Plants,  quotes,  seasons

Sometimes They’re Even Good!

Leaves found on a walk at Blendon Woods Metro Park – 2011

While I often try to anticipate those things that may occur in my little world, there’s always a surprise or two, and sometimes they’re even good!

Earl Moore

Wanted to share these words of wisdom from a comment our friend Earl made on one of my posts. He is referring to surprises in life, those wanted and not wanted. I am currently finding surprises in my life that at first seem unwanted but in some ways have turned out to be good. He has reminded me of that. His words also reminded me of the fondness I have for those surprises we can find in our photography. For me they happen most often when I venture out in nature with my camera, open to what my heart can see and accept. While living in Ohio for two and a half years I was able to experience trees and plants I was not familiar with. I loved what I was seeing and experiencing for the first time. As I reflect back it was on these walks when I first began to ask the questions: What surprise is nature going to offer me today? What will I expect and accept? You never know, sometimes they’re even good!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Faye White

    Seeing. Being open to accept what nature is offering is the key. Sometimes I feel as though nature is tossing out creative possibilities one after another and I’m not paying attention.

    • Monte Stevens

      In my experience you are correct. Nature is rapidly creating the process of birthing and dying which is the art in itself. I love to experience all She has to offer. May you have a super Awesome day, and as you say, open to its delights.

  • Earl

    I’m sure I’m not worthy of being ‘Monte Quoted,’ but thanks for the mention. 😎

    Whether in nature, while armed with a camera, or in our lives, living day-by-day, being open is a positive.

  • Mark

    My condolences for living in Ohio. (sorry, a Michigander light-hearted jab)

    The surprises are perhaps what I enjoy most with photography when they turn out. Not so much the other way. 🙂

    • Monte Stevens

      I was surprised at the amount of friction, not sure that’s the right word, between the people of Ohio and Michigan. I saw Ohio fans rooting for Michigan but only when they were not playing Ohio. They were Ohio State fans first then Big 10 next.

      • Mark

        I am not sure where it originated myself – could be the sports rivalries, politics, or they are mad at us for getting the better end of the deal in trading Toledo for the U.P. 🙂 You just learn if you live in Michigan, you are not supposed to like Ohioans. LOL.