coffee shops

Assorted Coffee Cups

Coffee Cups

My friend, Melissa, met me at a coffee shop called Espresso Yourself Music Cafe. It’s an old church converted to a coffee house. On one wall were these shelves, leaning most profoundly to the right, and loaded with an assortment of cups. Had to take a photo before they fell.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    At first glance, with only the title and the knowledge of your love of coffee to go by, I thought you were going to say this was your collection of coffee cups. 😉

    Have a good weekend, Monte!

    • Monte Stevens

      I do have a collection of cups, maybe a dozen or so. Strangely I do select which one to use according to my mood and what I’m drinking. 🙂

  • Alan M. Collopy


    Nice photo. Nothing like the color and variety of coffee cups. I have a small collection of them myself, mostly from Starbucks.
    I love small coffee shops. I remember a few years back, I was obsessed with wanting my own Internet Cafe. The soft couches, high beamed ceilings, folks on the laptops or in lively conversation, the constant smell of fresh brewed coffee. It was very appealing, and still is.

    Nice photo!

    • Monte Stevens

      I too, have dreamt of owning such a place. At this time in life going as customer is more appealing the headaches of ownership. Now if that meant owning but not having to work it that would be a different story.