• coffee life,  coffee shops,  quotes

    Working the Craft

    Photograph because you love doing it, because you absolutely have to do it, because the chief reward is going to be the process of doing it. Other rewards — recognition, financial remuneration — come to so few and are so fleeting. And even if you are somewhat successful, there will almost inevitably be stretches of time when you will be ignored, have little income, or — often — both. Certainly there are many other easier ways to make a living in this society. Take photography on as a passion, not a career.

    Alex Webb

    I had new business cards made. Well they’re not really business cards as I do not have a business. However, there are those times when people see me on the street with my camera and will ask if I’m a photographer. I tell them yes but I do not make a living at it, it is one of my passions. I hand them a card so they can see what I like to photograph and write about on my blog. The last set of cards lasted about 5 years. Shows you how seldom I hand them out. 

    I’ve noticed over the past few days how many photo opportunities I find when I take the bus to campus then walk on campus and in Old Town. They seem to be everywhere. Since I was in Old Town on Friday I figured I might as well stop in at Starry Night and have an Americano. It was about 9:30 am and they were busy. The din was up several decibels from what it usually is at 7:00 am. I did get in a few lines in my journal then headed home. On my way out I took a few photos of Amber working her craft, steaming milk while she pulls an espresso shot. A photo opportunity fulfilling a passion of mine!

    It is a cold morning with clear blue skies and sunshine. Hope you have a wonderful day.

  • coffee life,  journal

    Special touch

    Latte Art

    I enjoy the special touch the Bean Cycle offers with my mocha. After adding the mocha and espresso in the cup they begin pouring the steamed milk. When the cup is about a quarter full with steamed milk, they stop and sprinkle a dash of chocolate powder on top of the already poured milk. Next they fill the rest of the cup with more foamed milk adding those two or three hearts, showing their craft. To me the chocolate powder adds a tough to the looks and I love how the powder mixed with the foam sticks to my mustache. ❤️ So, sometimes I start my morning with this gift. Seems to make the day run smoother. I hope I was able to fully espresso how they make this special touch.

  • coffee life,  coffee shops,  haiku,  lifestyles,  writing/reading

    Tasted Perfect

    simple recipe
    frothed milk and espresso
    gift of latte art


    With overcast and smokey skies this morning I headed to the Bean Cycle for a latte and journaling. My barista, Devan, made a very attractive mocha with her artistic touch. I like how she sprinkles chocolate powder about halfway through pouring the milk then finishes with her latte art. Again, I took this image with that old camera and I think the image turned out decent. But, the mocha tasted perfect. Happy Sunday!

  • Black and White,  coffee life,  coffee shops

    Morning Rituals

    morning ritual
    quiet prayer and meditation
    cortado and perrier


    I’ve mentioned a bit of information on cortados before but here’s more. A cortado is a popular small-sized espresso. The balance between the espresso and milk is 1:1, (about half espresso, half milk). This amount of milk primarily serves to reduce the acidity of the espresso. It also has less froth than a latte. This one made at the Bean Cycle is 2 ounces of equal espresso and steamed milk. The other glass is Perrier water. I buy these once in a while because they have less milk than my latte, an enjoyable coffee flavor when made with good fresh beans and are less expensive. If you are adventurous enough, they can also be made with flavored syrup.

  • coffee shops,  Food,  lifestyles

    John Wayne

    A John Wayne

    They call this drink a John Wayne. It is a shot of expresso, with a touch of vanilla syrup and marked with half-and-half or, preferably, cream. Since vanilla is not my favorite syrup in coffee, I tweaked it a bit and made it half vanilla and half almond. Seemed to do the trick. So, yes some days I start off with a shot. And, I see that today is Hump-Day, so by noon most of society will be half-way done with their work week. For me it’s the first day of my two day weekend. Maybe, I’ll make it a double and have two shots. 🙂 Have a great Wednesday!

  • coffee shops

    Assorted Coffee Cups

    Coffee Cups

    My friend, Melissa, met me at a coffee shop called Espresso Yourself Music Cafe. It’s an old church converted to a coffee house. On one wall were these shelves, leaning most profoundly to the right, and loaded with an assortment of cups. Had to take a photo before they fell.

  • coffee shops,  lifestyles

    Espresso Beans

    Coffee Beans and Espresso Shot

    A few years ago I worked as a barista in a coffee shop. I enjoyed the work, the young people I worked with and the customers. Those customers looked to us for the start of their day or the end of their day, it was a part of their daily ritual. I’m also one of those individuals who patronizes a coffee shop on a regular basis and it can become an expensive habit. So I purchased my own expresso machine about 4 years ago. So now I have a ritual in making the morning latte or cappuccino which includes tamping the ground beans, steaming the milk, pouring the shot and marking it with the foam. And, the best part of the ritual is curling up in the lounge chair or on the couch or your porch and sipping your own warm drink.