automobile,  desert,  Humor,  landscape,  musings,  Transportation,  writing/reading

Senior Moment

Taken in 2016 along Peralta Trail near Phoenix

As I left the coffee shop this morning and walked towards my car I noticed thieves had stolen my roof racks. Then I noticed they must have felt guilty because they decided to wash my car. After gathering myself together I started to laugh when I remembered parking across the street because someone had parked in my normal spot. Same car and same color but cleaner, which was the big flag. Oh how quickly the mind creates scenarios that aren’t reality and how quickly I forget. Thankfully I still have my roof rack and the car is still dirty. This is known as a senior moment which is happening more often. But I am beginning to admit them, even here. Enjoy your Saturday!!!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Faye White

    I can absolutely relate! A simple deviation from our routine throws us off. Kinda scary sometimes. Lol

  • Mark

    Thanks for a bit of a laugh Monte, even though it wasn’t so funny for you for those short moments. Hindsight says you could have given the clean car owners a real mystery by leaving a note that said “Thanks for bringing me back to reality.” 🙂

  • Geri Oster

    Thanks, Monte, for helping me to not feel so alone in my moments of lostness! Isn’t that what Community, and the time we share with each other on this special Blog is all about. Blessings All.

    • Monte Stevens

      Yes, it is, Geri! My lostness at times can be wandering, feeling like the ball in a pinball machine. And, knowing we have others experiencing the same lostness feelings is a gift. Hoping you have a super Awesome day!