Documentary/Street,  street photography

Asking you to vote again

Street scene on my walk home from coffee

So, the question is multiple choice. Were the boots left on the porch because they were.:
a. wet.
b. muddy
c. rank as hell
d. All the above.

I was awakened about 4:00 am by the lovely sound of rain tapping on my bedroom window. Weather app says we can expect rain throughout the day and cooler temperatures. May you have a wonderful day!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Faye White

    I’m going with D, all of the above. I hope they remember to shake them out before putting them on, in case some critter has crawled in there for the night. 🤣

    • Monte Stevens

      That is always a possibility Faye. And depending on the roommate you have. They could be putting something in there that shouldn’t be there either. Have a great day my friend.

  • Tom Dills

    I’m just glad there are two of them, otherwise it would be a real mystery! I’ll go with B: Muddy.

    And as Faye said, hopefully no squirrel infestation!

    • Monte Stevens

      What an interesting comment. What if there was three there instead of just two. And I thought of the squirrel thing also but with my situation it could be a raccoon.

    • Monte Stevens

      LOL I think that’s as good a reason to choose B as any. This was a scene I just had to stop and take in. There really was no need for to take a photo but I did. It is cool and cloudy with possible rain here. Take care and stay warm.