architecture,  quotes,  shadows

Perceive the Wisdom

When we perceive the wisdom that is in other human beings we are less prone to treat them as objects for our own purposes.

John Philip Newell

I saw this scene while waiting at a doctors office last week. I loved how the morning sun was casting its light across the framed photo and the wall. I grabbed my camera but before I could take the photo a man stood in front of the window casting his shadow in the scene. It wasn’t what I wanted so I waited and eventually got what I wanted. It was a windy day yesterday but we reached a nice warm 57 degrees. Today is supposed to be the same. However, we could see snow by Friday

As I’ve grown older matured in my wisdom, I have learned to perceive the wisdom in other human beings. I would like to believe that’s happened because I’m seeing with different eyes and with a different perspective than in my youth. And I would hope they perceive within me a wisdom. Have a wonderful day.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • geri oster

    First, Monte, my sincere condolences to you at the unexpected passing of your dear friends. It is never easy to let go those that we have been given to love in this life. My comfort at these times has always come in the firm belief that this life is only the beginning, the preparation for more and lovelier things to come on the other side. May The Creator comfort you and bring you peace in the letting go, and joy in the remembering of those precious souls which you were blessed to know in this life.

    And perhaps that is part of the wisdom we glean with age and experience. All I have ever really sought, for as long as I can remember, is wisdom. Only now am I beginning to understand that that precious gift only comes with the living of all of life with an open heart and mind with a continuous ear bent toward The Creator.

    Blessings and peace to you my wise and loving friend.

    • Monte Stevens

      For one of those individuals is the legacy they have left in how to live life. Life is not something we trudge through but an opportunity to be all that we can be, to be creative and give of ourselves to others. I also am seeking that gift of wisdom but unfortunately not as soon as I wish I had. There is wisdom in that statement! Thank you again for you precious words and the blessing you are.

  • Earl

    Stepping out of the box a bit, do you consider wisdom a skill or a talent?

    Talent – is an inherent ability, naturally gifted, which not everyone has, and it requires recognition and coaching.

    Skill – is a learned ability, something developed, available to almost everyone, and requires development and training.

    I lean toward skill, but then I think of those who seem wise beyond their years, so perhaps, like most human traits, there’s a talent component as well. Then, some struggle with the bare basics no matter how hard they try and are most likely to become politicians. ~wink~

    • Monte Stevens

      What a wonderful question to ask, my friend, and exciting to step out of the box. Another one of those questions for discussion over coffee and a piece of chocolate cake or blueberry pie or…
      I would first of all like to redefine both talent and skill by removing two words. Those definitions now become affirmative and neutral and eliminates the idea that some have it and some don’t. This makes them more like a question also.
      Talent – is an inherent ability, naturally gifted, which not everyone has, and it requires recognition and coaching.
      Skill – is a learned ability, something developed, available to almost everyone, and requires development and training.
      At this time I’m going to take the middle road and lean toward both. My present understanding of wisdom requires us to use both. At one time I believed my knowledge, especially my assumed knowledge, made me wise. Even at times placing myself above others (politicians). I discovered way too slowly that ain’t true. Today I see that wisdom is not an object but more of a way of living life. When I begin to recognize and use my talents and skills I allow myself to become my fullest self. I’m still working on that!
      We need to set a time for coffee.

  • Faye White

    Very nice light and color. Did you happen to snap one with the man’s shadow? Just imagining if that would conjure up some different thoughts.
    Perhaps wisdom, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. What I might perceive as wisdom would be something quite different to others. Just a thought.
    27 here this morning… brrrrr!

    • Monte Stevens

      Taking an image of the man in the shadows never even entered my mind. Goes to show how blind I can be the images being given to me. I have much to learn. I agree that each of us perceives wisdom with their own eyes and yes it can be much different. I did see where you were quite cold this morning.