landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  quotes,  sunrises

… this meeting place

I know plenty of people who find God most reliably in books, in buildings, and even in other people. I have found God in all of these places too, but the most reliable meeting place for me has always been creation.

Barbara Brown Taylor

The only sound was from my boots crunching the gravel under my feet as I walked to a favorite location along the ridge above Pineridge Natural Area. I like this spot because I can look out to the eastern horizon and find the skies reflection in Dixon Reservoir. When I arrived I setup my tripod then stood, listening to the silence. I like this meeting place in creation. I also didn’t want to take a photo but as you can see I did. Hope you have had a good day.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Tom Dills

    Some photos just insist on being taken, even if it was not our intention.

    I like the idea of a meeting place that is not a physical structure. God, or whatever we know as God, is where/what/who we find it.

    • Monte Stevens

      I admit that sometimes I take photographs without even thinking about them, they just happen, an intuition from within. Yes, when God is not just an idea but an experience then we can encounter this presence anywhere. Cold and overcast here. Stay warm.

  • geri oster

    Monte, I am so glad that you did take this photo. These moments on your blog are one of my precious meeting places with God. I have always found God best in His Creation. Ahh, then I am reminded that we are all God’s Creation…perhaps I need to make greater allowances for the immense variations in the ways and beings of my fellow man, and better appreciate others as I long for and treasure the differences in each sunrise and flower and bird. I hear the crunch of your footsteps, Monte. They, like your photographs, and yours and the writings of your friends, transport me to new places within my own soul. Thank you all.

    • Monte Stevens

      I’m also glad I accepted this image. I’m learning to receive whats given me rather than thinking about taking something. I’m glad to be able to share what I see and experience through my photography and words. I see that as a gift I can offer. Passing it on, as they say. It seems the more I grow in age and wisdom (hopefully) I not see the differences or variation but see the world as one interconnected as a whole. Our beauty as a whole is our uniqueness. Thank you my friend for sharing your thoughts here. I love them!!!