leaves,  musings,  nature

I truly believe…

The less we allow ourselves to be touched by nature or to be present to nature the less we will believe nature to be the foundation of our life, that we are an essential part of nature and the less we will know about ourselves. When we do not know ourselves we are incapable of knowing others, yet we will think we do. Just watch how someone who thinks they know-it-all treats you and all of creation. I truly believe that what we do to the earth we are doing to ourselves, and the way we treat nature is the way we treat all of humanity and all of creation. I pray we lovingly touch nature and allow nature to lovingly touch us.

We awoke to a heavy fog and had a layer of ice to scrape off of the windshield. Now off to coffee. Stay warm!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Faye White

    I see this leaf as beleaguered and I think we all feel that way when we see greedy people/corporations/countries destroying our planet, our home.

    • Monte Stevens

      Yes the leaf quite is in its final days of hanging on. It saddens me that I contribute to the greediness through my consumerism. Until I do a better job of decreasing my impact I belong in that people category. Let’s hope we all make the needed change.

  • geri oster

    Yes, this image portrays to me what I feel in the planet, it is just barely hanging on…waiting, waiting for us to wake up, waiting for me to wake up. Your comment, Monte, struck a real chord in me. It’s not about them but it is about me, and what I am still not doing, changing, to do my part in healing the Earth. Uncomfortable but necessary truth. Thank you.

    • Monte Stevens

      I believe your words “waking up” are appropriate here. I have no control over others or nature so the real change must be with me. No matter how hard I try to point a finger at anyone the truth is I contribute to the dilemma but do have the capacity to change that, if I so desire. I am waking up and becoming more comfortable with this truth. Again, hoping you two have a wonderful weekend.