lifestyles,  writing/reading

Kindle and Coffee

Kindle and coffee

I’ve spent way too much time debating within myself to purchase an e-reader. I’ve weighed the pros and cons and in many ways can distort them to suit my desires for that day. I’ve been interested in them since they first came out. As much traveling as I do it makes sense to only carry one book which actually can have hundreds of books loaded. I moved closer to purchasing a Kindle few days ago I added one to my shopping cart on Amazons website but did not take the next step. Well, after some prodding and feedback from friends who use them I pushed the purchase button on my monitor and am now the owner of the new Kindle. So far, I like it. The first book I purchased was called The Dirty Life by Kristin Kimball. It was one I’d read about and jotted down the title for future reference. And, I consumed it in two days.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    Monte, good for you. I know you’ll love and enjoy having the Kindle and a library of book on it to read. I certainly use mine all the time. I have about five books currently waiting their turn to be read. Have a good week!

    • Monte Stevens

      I’ve already enjoyed it. It came on Friday morning and finished my first book by Saturday afternoon. I now have about 4 books downloaded and ready to read. A couple are the free classics, ones I’ve never read before and are short reads. Have a great week.

  • Paul

    Sounds good, Monte. I did the same thing, almost, but with the iPad. I was very happy to see that there are free apps for many of the popular readers like Kindle. I’m enjoying it immensely. No 3G, though, but then there are so many Wi-Fi hotspots that it doesn’t really matter much … at least that’s what I tell myself. 🙂

    • Monte Stevens

      I struggled between the ipad and the kindle but decided on the kindle due to cost and I was afraid I would spend even more time surfing the web. I do enough of that now. Just reading a book was the direction I wanted to move. The ipad is awesome and will be interested in seeing what the next generation offers. I also only purchased the WI-FI model, seems we can find it almost anywhere.

  • Alan M. Collopy


    Congratulations on your purchase of the Kindle. Like Earl and Paul, I’m an iPad devotee. Being a young guy like myself, lol, I enjoy all the tech features of the iPad, and the constant connectivity of the 3G model, but my sister has a Kindle and LOVES it. I’m sure you’ll have good experiences with it, and I wish you the very best.


  • Mary Ann

    Love the coffee shop photo, as usual 🙂

    I LOVE my kindle, too, Monte–and The Dirty Life is on my wish list for future downloading. How did you like it?

    I, too, thought about the Ipad, but I don’t know how much reading I’d get down with an internet at my fingertips. I did get the 3G–we live rurally, so its nice to have the whispernet.

    Have fun!

    • Monte Stevens

      I enjoyed The Dirty Life. Once I started reading I did not put it down. I liked that it’s a true story and resonates well with some of my ideals. Whether I’d take that same journey is another question. It made me think a lot about my life and how distant I am with the lives of our ancestors.

  • Aswirly

    How was the actual reading from the kindle? I feel like I would miss the feel and smell of an actual book. But once you get engrossed into your story it probably doesn’t matter, right?

    • Monte Stevens

      So far it’s mixed. I like using it and very portable for my travels. Using the dictionary is awesome. Having 10 books with is nice. I miss not thumbing through pages or quickly going back a few pages to read something again is awkward. I also like the highlighting and notes that can be generated. So far I’m pleased but I will also probably always have a library shelf.