People/Portraits,  Self-portraits

Inspired Twice

My Shadow

Sometimes I raise my camera to my eye because I’m inspired with what I see at the moment. Sometimes there is a thought process involved before pressing the shutter and other times it’s more of a reaction. The above image was a moment of reaction and about 3 seconds worth of thought, mostly in composition. However, once loaded on the hard drive the previously felt inspiration was not there. The tall green with my shadow had nothing to say to me.

A few weeks later while making a second pass over last months images and getting rid of the losers, inspiration spoke again of this scene. After playing around with it for a couple of minutes, I convert it to black and white and saw a completely different scene. So in this image I was inspired at shutter time and in post processing. I guess you can say I was inspired twice.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.