Cityscapes/Urban,  People/Portraits,  Self-portraits

Out there somewhere

My life is good. I’m healthy, I’m rich but not in a monetary way. However, I must admit there are times when things seem a bit out of focus, a little blurry, sort of like this image. I was in my hotel room and about to go to bed when I noticed my reflection in the window with the city lights as background and took a quick photo. I’m on the fifth floor so my reflection has the feeling of being suspended. I think it reflects how our lives can be at times. We are not quite rooted in present and may be a bit out there, suspended, not here nor there.

It’s not written down anywhere but my body clock has let me know that today would have been our 38th wedding anniversary. Seems so long ago, suspended, out there. It’s times like this when it’s best to turn the lights off and find time for solitude. Ground myself to the present, send out some roots.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend and enjoys their Sunday.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.