flowers,  Plants

Enjoying Her Garden

Iris Leaves

My sister, Sheree, has been spending a lot of time and effort in her yard over the past 2-3 years. Her garden therapy session includes learning about the many plants available then putting them in and nurturing them (yes, she talks to them.)  But through this process, her garden sanctuary is developing. As a visitor I’ve had the pleasure of enjoying her garden, checking on each new plant as it breaks through the soil sending shoots into the sunlight, grabbing my journal and lounging in one of her Adirondack chairs. While sitting on her bench along the east side of her house I noticed the  back lit sun against the Iris leaves. First a smile of pleasure, enjoying the light, then grabbing the camera to take a photo. And, Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers in my life: mom, Chris, Monica, Marcee and Sheree!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.