



What will you do when you retire? Most of us will want to enjoy the latter years of our lives but will the days be spent loafing or will we keep active. If you do a google search on the question, “What will you do when you retire?”, you will get hits leading to links for money management/investments. That’s not what I’m asking here but asking what we will do with our time. It’s a valid question and one we all can look at. 

Don’t simply retire from something; have something to retire to.  Harry Emerson Fosdick

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.

One Comment

  • Opa Wayne

    As usual, dear brother, you ask the questions of life. Retirement’s first phase is shown clearly in your photo – a person trying to relax and soak up the sunlight. I can see the wheels turning: “Is there something I need to do?” – “Is there something I forgot?” – “What will I do next, listen to nature, take a nap?”.
    I think answering such questions may lead to a second phase of retirement, and when that happens he will be far busier than he now dreams.
    Thanks you Monte for stimulating this daydream.