• coffee life,  quotes

    It’s a Lifestyle

    “… spirituality is not a thing or a feeling. Spirituality is paying attention. Spirituality is being present to what is happening around and within you. Spirituality is living in the world with compassion and justice. Spirituality is making the world a little better for your having been born into it. Spirituality is meeting God in the ordinariness of our everyday lives.”

    Reb Yerachmiel

    Third morning in a row where I needed to scrape light frost off my windshield. Yep, fall is here. Made my way to Mugs for a mocha latte and was greeted with a big smile from my barista, Jess. Morning was a success. Had my monthly lunch with high school classmates today. Another success.

    Seems to me spirituality isn’t anything I can define or physically touch but something I experience. I just read where Spirituality is a lifestyle. I sorta like that. It has no connection to any religious faith and doesn’t define it. Spirituality just is, something we live. The quote above is more about sharing the experience. I find it is much like the coffee life. Life needs to be experienced not defined.

    I was reading an older blog post on someone’s perspective to beginning a blog, offering our views, where that might lead and the stories written and read in these blogs. I found it interesting, quite profound and wanted to share it with you. You can find it here.

  • coffee shops,  consumer,  fountain pens,  journal,  journaling,  writing/reading

    Lifestyle Changes

    The Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, is quoted as saying “change is the only constant in life.” I believe he’s right. Some lifestyle changes we make on our own while some changes are forced upon us. Lifestyle changes can happen when we change jobs, move to another community, decide to marry, retire, live a non-consumer lifestyle, get rid of the TV, new eating habits and more. Yet, there are some changes that come upon us unexpectedly and unwanted, such as divorce, death of spouse, parent, child, natural disasters, health issues, war and more. Each time we face one of these changes we are given the opportunity to make choices on how we respond. How we respond to them is the bigger question. 

    I’m at a place where I’m facing lifestyle changes due to health issues. The reality of my mortality is very real today. Since the present is where I must live, I’m given the opportunity to face these lifestyle changes and make choices that can be rewarding. My hope is to live life with a new and positive attitude, no matter what. Pretty sure I’m preaching to the choir but I needed to write it and maybe it is a thought provoking post.

  • landscape,  natural areas,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area,  sunsets

    Feeling Gratitude

    Sunset at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area

    After watching this evening’s sunset I realized how much I have to be grateful for in my life. I’m even grateful I can say that as often as I do. Even though I am not wealthy, I have enough to live comfortably. Even though I am aging and have a couple of health issues we are addressing, I have a healthy lifestyle. I have amazing and growing relationships with family and friends and those who are both. I have a spiritual life that I embrace and nurture. I have a coffee life that has become part of my family. I have these beautiful Colorado sunsets and sunrises that touch some deep place within me. I am grateful for gloves. I am grateful for all who read this post. Gratitude fills me this evening. Going to share this evening’s sunset with you and hope you have a wonderful weekend! A second post today.

  • leaves,  quotes

    Happiness comes from…

    Leaves from my morning walk

    What fills the heart with happiness, ironically enough, is not what we get out of the world; it’s what we put into it. Being about something worthwhile, spending our lives on something worth spending a life on is what, in the end, makes us happy.

    Joan Chittister

    My barista this morning was Stephen. I hadn’t seen him for a while and discovered he’d taken some time off while his father was out here visiting. It sounds like their time together made them happy. 😊

    I consider myself a happy person. My greeting by Stephen this morning enriched my happiness. Having said that it seems to take more to upset me than in the past. However, I must admit that drivers can test my peace, serenity and happiness. At this stage in my life happiness does not come so much from what I do as when I was pursuing a career, gathering the things the world told me I needed and so on. For me happiness comes from the lifestyle I attempt to live, a spiritual lifestyle which includes starting my day with prayer and meditation. I call this quiet time, center myself for the day. Happiness comes from how I treat and respect all of life that shares this world with me. Happiness comes from what creative acts I offer as a gift, such as photography or my blogging. Happiness comes from listening and being present to a friend or stranger. Happiness comes from times in nature, watching the sunrise or sunset or the changing colors of the fall season. Happiness comes from building relationships with my family, friends, strangers and the natural world around me. I could go on but instead I invite you to share with us some things that bring happiness in your life and the life of those around you. I told you there would be more leaves! 😂

  • reflections,  sunrises

    A beautiful start to this day

    The day began with quiet time at home then a visit to Pineridge Natural Area to receive the gift we are offered. The sky was filled with ever changing clouds and colors. A gentle wind created small ripples across the waters surface. A quiet stillness surrounded me. These sacred moments are vital to my spiritual journey and a beautiful start to this day. I’m now at a coffee shop, surrounded with rather loud conversations and all the noise that comes with this lifestyle. I consider myself an introvert if we define it as someone who enjoys spending time with just one or two people, rather than large groups or crowds. Too much external stimulation can cause me to feel uncomfortable. I will meet Mark later for coffee and conversation then back home to the quiet. Anyway, what a beautiful start to this day. I’m looking forward to the forecast for rain later this afternoon. 😊 May you have a wonderful day!!

  • Coffee Life

    I believe my youngest daughter was the one who talked me into my first mocha. Nor, do I remember when that happened. However, none of that matters because I am pretty much addicted attached to the coffee life. I am drawn to them because of the atmosphere, the social environment, the craft of the baristas and the coffee itself. I do not consider myself a coffee connoisseur. I even worked for two and a half years as a barista and enjoyed it. I have no desire to know how much money I spend on them. For the past several years the coffee shop has become a part of my morning ritual. I go there to journal, read, meet friends, and take a few photos of this lifestyle. In this gallery you will find images of those who practice the craft, customers who live this coffee life.

  • Art,  quotes,  Sculpture

    Hear the Teachings

    Loveland Sculpture Park – 2012

    I have no right to call myself one who knows. I was one who seeks, and I still am, but I no longer seek in the stars or in books; I’m beginning to hear the teachings of my blood pulsing within me.

    Hermann Hesse

    I’ve had difficulty over the past few months of staying within the pages of books. I found myself losing interest after a few pages and noticing the need to reread paragraphs. I enjoy reading books for the knowledge gained from them and their ability to transform me with some planted seed. I realized that there has been a lot going on in my life that is distracting which has brought on lifestyle changes. However, I believe that the books we read are not the only tool for transformation because there is a teacher within all of us when we look for it. So, maybe I no longer need to seek in the stars or in books but turn inward to hear the teachings. 

    Met with the hematologist today and cancer is ruled out from the bone marrow biopsy. We just need to work on increasing my iron to bring up those platelet numbers. Hoping you enjoyed your day!