Cityscapes/Urban,  flowers,  Metro Parks

A different view…


Cone Flowers
Cone Flowers

 It is almost the end of June and many of the cone flowers have almost come to the end of their season. Their petals and stamens are not a perfect due to rain, hail and wind. Yet, I wanted an image of one of my favorite flowers, so what could I come up with? I walked among and around this clump looking for a flower that was in good enough shape to photograph. None to be found. As I walked around the back side of this fence I had an idea (those do happen once in awhile.) I thought I would focus on the fence and leave the cone flowers out of focus. A different view…of one of my favorite flowers.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • QPB

    One of my favorite flowers as well. They are almost wide-eyed and vulnerable for all the world to see. Have a great week!

  • Earl

    Interesting shot and even with the iron fence as the in focus element my eye stills moves to the out of focus flowers in the background–blemishes un-noticed. Well done!