
A Flower's Career



I ate dinner the other night with a young man who is questioning the career direction in his life. I would love to say just the right words and help guide him along but those words don’t always seem to come. I do listen and ask questions, hoping those questions will help. While reflecting back over our conversation this morning, I realize seeking a career is not what I’m focused on at this time in my life. Do we need to have a career or as the case is now a days, multiple careers? Why do we pursue careers? Are we seeking the monetary gain or the status? How many of us define ourselves by our careers? We tell others we are an engineer, a teacher, policeman, a doctor, etc. At the root of all this is the realization I was always looking for a career that would give my something. I really wanted to have the money, the title, the unnecessary material goods. I expected a career to make me into someone and it never could.

Maybe a career is more about what I can offer to benefit the world rather than what I can gain.These simple daises pictured above, have so much to offer this world in such a short lifetime. They will sprout, grow, blossom and then decompose as part of the process to nurture the next generation. They are not trying to be a rose or a lily. They will blow in the wind as if waving to us, calling our attention to the beauty around us. Maybe that’s what a career is all about.

Have wonderful day!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.

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