Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    Beautiful and delicate light and the deep blue sky certainly complement it. Well seen and captured, Monte. As you can probably guess I certainly agree with David DuChemin’s quote, and the thought doesn’t just apply to photography. My mind immediately also imagined it as; “How we think about our lives can change how we live our lives and, therefore, change the lives we live…” Happy Friday! 🙂

    • Monte Stevens

      Very true. There are a lot of authors, poets, song writers and others who have said much the same thing. Too often I personally have failed to think outside the box, therefore limiting myself and my creativity. This also applies to how I think about others and our natural world. Enjoy your Friday and the coming weekend!