Camera Equipment,  Photography

Cameras I've owned

Lost in Thoughts

Paul Lester had an interesting post about the cameras he has owned. The post started an interesting thread so I decided to follow suit and list the cameras I’ve owned. I was surprised at how many cameras there have been. I’m also surprised I can’t remember what the brands and models of some of them were. Getting older!

  1. Yashika Twin-lens reflex – Not sure what model it was (124) or how I received it. I shot black and white film and developed it in my dad’s basement with the help of a man who I worked for.
  2. A Pentax or Canaon 35mm SLR bought in 1970. Strange I can’t remember what it was. Anyway I sold it and the Yashika TLR, when my wife and I needed to purchase a washer/dryer for the our first house.
  3. Nikon EM – bought partly because of the all black body. 🙂 Still have it but it doesn’t work.
  4. Nikon FG – another nice simple camera.
  5. Nikon FE2 – wish I still had this one.
  6. Nikon N70 – never did like this one for some reason
  7. Nikon N80 – shot my first weddings with this one and actually owned two.
  8. Nikon D100 – my introduction into digital (Loved it) and still have both of them
  9. Nikon D300 – Have no desire to move on to another one, yet. I do keep up on the latest and greatest, so I’m known to fall prey to “camera body lust.”

Not sure why the draw to Nikon. I sometimes think I would rather have worked into the Canon world as I feel they have a more appealing range of lens to change from and a nicer price. Thanks for your interesting post, Paul.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Paul

    Interesting history, Monte, especially the part about having to sell a camera to buy a washer/dryer. I’ve never had to sacrifice any of my camera equipment other than to buy different equipment. Ouch. I could do it, but wouldn’t want to.

    Of the cameras that I sold, I only miss one, really. I miss the Yashica Mat 124G. I really liked that old looking, square format beast. It sure was a conversation starter, especially in this digital age. I started almost as many conversations as the view cameras!

    • Monte Stevens

      Yes, I felt it was necessary at the time and would probably do it again. I also remember one more camera, the Nikon FG. That was another nice film camera and wish I had it.

  • Don

    Pauls post was great it brought back many memories of cameras I have owned. I put my list in his comment section. I too am drawn to Nikons and don’t know why.

    • Monte Stevens

      Yes, I saw your list on Paul’s post. I’m not really sure how I managed to get into Nikons. I’ve not regretted it as they do make some nice cameras and lens. But, if I was to lose my gear due to fire or theft, I would consider Canon. One factor I would have to make is the feel of the camera in my hand. The Canon 10d and 20d do not feel comfortable in my hands. Have not tried any others.