• coffee life,  fountain pens,  journaling,  quotes,  writing/reading

    A Grateful Heart

    “Union with God is not something that needs acquired but realized.”

    Martin Laird

    It has been overcast and cold all day. After quiet time and a bowl of cereal I took the bus and walked to Mugs for my mocha which helps me get in my steps and exercise. I was greeted with a big smile from my barista, Jess. Met with high school classmates for our monthly lunch today then met with a friend at 1:45 pm at my place. Had a wonderful phone call with Duane after that. And, maybe snow later tonight.

    I have been reading from a few new authors, and enjoying them, as well as rereading some books. I’ve found it true that we never read the same book twice. And, now that the colder weather is here I will probably be reading more. I have a couple more books coming from new authors which I really am excited to read.

    As I look at this image I realize that it depicts how I’m living my life now. It includes my coffee life, my journaling, my reading and in the background, my camera. The coffee life provides a social outlet for me, time with friends and making new friends. It is not just about the mocha latte, although that’s an important part of it. Journaling is my way of documenting what is unfolding in my day, to continue to ask deep questions, and enjoy the pleasure of writing with fountain pens. It is also a letter to myself and the union with the Divine within me, what Meister Eckhart calls the Ground of my Being. And, I see books as seeds of discovery that hopefully take root and bring transformation within me so that I can become all that I was created to be. The hidden part of my life that is not seen in this image is my camera. It is through photography that I have come to see the world with the photographer’s eye, while accepting all the gifts of living this life. And, finally the essence of this image depicts some of the tools I use on this Spiritual Path I’m walking. Yes, I have a grateful heart this evening. Stay warm!

  • animals,  coffee life

    Meet Winston

    Looking tired…

    I met a couple new customers at the coffee shop this morning. This is Winston sitting in Carly’s lap. By the look on his face you can tell he’s about done with his Germen study time, as was Carly. Actually there was not much studying going on because everyone was drawn to his cuteness, so interruptions were a constant for them. And, of course I had to sit beside them and start a conversation. I would venture to say that our conversation was quite boring to him. But, you must admit he is quite cute. And, as I have no experience at being a cute puppy I can only assume it takes a lot of energy. Because, after a while he…

    … gave up on keeping those eyes open.
  • coffee life,  quotes

    To Live a Life

    When your life awakens and you begin to sense the destiny that brought you here, you endeavour to live a life that is generous and worthy of the blessing and invitation that is always calling you.

    John O’Donohue

    This image was taken last week at the Lory Student Center. I go there because it is quiet and I find it is a place for solitude, before students arrive. It is windy this morning, bad hair day for sure. Now it bugs coffee shop on the world. Emma is my barista. She is playing some soft easy Christmas music because she is in the Christmas spirit. I found out that two friends died in their sleep this past Friday night. One younger, one older. They both endeavored to live a generous and worthy life. Today will be a day of processing. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday!

  • coffee life,  journal,  journaling,  quotes

    The Gift-Experience

    The gifts of journaling and a mocha

    The experience of spirituality involves recognizing new and different realities, especially the qualities of the gift-experience, appreciating not only the gift itself but also the sheer freedom and generosity contained in a genuine gift. We need to give ourselves gifts.

  • Candid Portraits,  coffee life,  quotes

    Empathy and Compassion

    It says something about our species that we have eradicated smallpox and invented vaccines and antibiotics for yellow fever and the Black Death, but war continues to plague us; that in the past century — this supposed pinnacle of enlightened modernity — war has claimed or maimed more of our children’s lives than any virus or bacterium. It says something about both our immense imagination and our immense blind spots: Our species’ failure to eradicate war is a failure of the imagination, a failure to imagine what it is like to be anybody else, without which there can be no empathy and compassion — those vital molecules of harmony, the other name for which is peace.

    Maria Popova

    Maria’s quote is spot on. Could it be that much of our world is unable to imagine what it is like to be anybody else, find our similarities, because we are trying hard to be somebody we aren’t rather than accepting who we are. I love her idea that molecules of harmony, empathy and compassion, will bring peace.

    About a month ago I posted a quote by Vincent Van Gogh which I liked. Just after I posted that quote they put up this new mural at Starry Night coffee shop. I had to have a photo the moment I saw the mural and quote. It’s interesting that as a photographer we can draw people’s attention to things they have not yet seen while sitting right next to them. You can see how the one woman turned to see what the silly photographer was pointing his camera at. Happens all the time! I’m off to meet Mark for breakfast and conversation.

    May you have a wonderful day and may what you do in love today be done well!!

  • coffee life,  coffee shops,  quotes

    Working the Craft

    Photograph because you love doing it, because you absolutely have to do it, because the chief reward is going to be the process of doing it. Other rewards — recognition, financial remuneration — come to so few and are so fleeting. And even if you are somewhat successful, there will almost inevitably be stretches of time when you will be ignored, have little income, or — often — both. Certainly there are many other easier ways to make a living in this society. Take photography on as a passion, not a career.

    Alex Webb

    I had new business cards made. Well they’re not really business cards as I do not have a business. However, there are those times when people see me on the street with my camera and will ask if I’m a photographer. I tell them yes but I do not make a living at it, it is one of my passions. I hand them a card so they can see what I like to photograph and write about on my blog. The last set of cards lasted about 5 years. Shows you how seldom I hand them out. 

    I’ve noticed over the past few days how many photo opportunities I find when I take the bus to campus then walk on campus and in Old Town. They seem to be everywhere. Since I was in Old Town on Friday I figured I might as well stop in at Starry Night and have an Americano. It was about 9:30 am and they were busy. The din was up several decibels from what it usually is at 7:00 am. I did get in a few lines in my journal then headed home. On my way out I took a few photos of Amber working her craft, steaming milk while she pulls an espresso shot. A photo opportunity fulfilling a passion of mine!

    It is a cold morning with clear blue skies and sunshine. Hope you have a wonderful day.

  • coffee life,  latte art,  love,  quotes

    I’m still learning

    Had I been given a clear definition of love earlier in my life it would not have taken me so long to become a more loving person. Had I shared with others a common understanding of what it means to love it would have been easier to create love.

    bell hooks

    Like many of us when we were young, love was an object to grasp. As I’ve grown older, gained some experience, love for me is now an action word, no longer an object just out of my reach. I’ve discovered it is a part of my very essence, who I am. I’ve discovered that it asks to be given away without any conditions and without any expectations of receiving anything in return. It’s easy to tell someone I love them and believe I love them but it’s another thing to actually love. Slowly but surely I’m learning about this action word called love.

    As a side note the boots from yesterday’s posted image are no longer there.