• coffee life,  fountain pens,  journal,  writing/reading

    It has me thinking…

    Accepting time for coffee and journaling

    Somewhere in the past I read where we do not make images but receive them. That has resonated with me every since. And, I often reference that idea in some of my blog posts. I’ve personally heard myself give thanks when I have finished a photo session of a sunrise because I do feel I’ve received some kind of gift. Could be the romantic in me. Anyway, I also just read where someone suggests our transition from an agricultural society to an industrial society has shifted our vocabulary and thinking so that we talk about making rather than growing.1Let Your Life Speak by Parker J Palmer, page 97 Something else for me ponder. Just listen to how we speak: we make time, make love, make memories, make a photo, make money, make a living. I have caught myself saying I need to make time when in reality I can’t make time but I can set aside time for coffee and journaling. Anyway, it has me thinking/pondering about how I use the word make. When I think about it, it would make a great conversation over coffee. Gotta make time for that!!! 😂

  • coffee life,  People/Portraits,  quotes

    The Artist

    Behind the facade of image and distraction, each person is an artist in this primal and inescapable sense. Each one of us is doomed and privileged to be an inner artist who carries and shapes a unique world.

    John O’Donohue

    Baristas are artists. As artists they are a part of the creation of our day because when we walk into a coffee shop, they greet us by name and then provide the drink we want. I consider them an artist because they can make a latte, while carrying on an intelligent conversation with us at the same time. They are artists because of their craft and skill in creating latte art from the crema of steamed milk: the heart or the rosetta with many leafs. I’ve even found myself not wanting to drink my latte and mess up their creation. And as we get to know each other, we get to see that inner beauty in each one of them, the person they are becoming and gift they are to the world. Go ahead, try and tell me that Keera’s smile is not a work of art.

  • coffee life,  fountain pens,  journal,  musings,  quotes,  writing/reading

    Follow in Their Footsteps

    “And at some point, I thought, well, I’ve been really lucky to see many, many places. Now, the great adventure is the inner world, now that I’ve spent a lot of time gathering emotions, impressions, and experiences. Now, I just want to sit still for years on end, really, charting that inner landscape because I think anybody who travels knows that you’re not really doing so in order to move around—you’re traveling in order to be moved. And really what you’re seeing is not just the Grand Canyon or the Great Wall but some moods or intimations or places inside yourself that you never ordinarily see when you’re sleepwalking through your daily life. I thought, there’s this great undiscovered terrain that Henry David Thoreau and Thomas Merton and Emily Dickinson fearlessly investigated, and I want to follow in their footsteps.”

    Pico Iyer

    I do not remember being encouraged to read when I was younger, although I probably was. I know I recoiled at reading assignments in school and writing those frightening book reports. But now I find it fascinating how much I enjoy and want to read. Not sure if this is because I have more time to read, I’ve found subjects I’m interested in, or found authors who seem to put into words what I can’t. It’s most likely all the above but primarily because I find this inward journey exciting. And, words within books help me along this path of discovery. I find words become seeds which take root over time, transforming us in becoming who we were created to be. It is a gift to read and be inspired to write my own words as I follow along in their footsteps.

    And today we celebrate my dad’s 95th birthday. I also want to follow in his footsteps. What a gift!

  • coffee life,  landscape,  latte art,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  quotes,  sunrises

    There for a reason…

    “There are moments when troubles enter our lives and we can do nothing to avoid them. But they are there for a reason. Only when we have overcome them will we understand why they were there.”

    Paulo Coelho

    It is cold and the wind continues to blow this morning. Made my way to Pineridge Natural Area for the predawn colors. I watched as the wind scattered the ever changing clouds across the canvas sky. I felt within the sense of drama in nature as she constantly reshaped the clouds according to the wind’s whims. I’m now enjoying my mocha latte at Starry Night then will meet Mark for breakfast as he and I continue our fantasy quest of solving the world’s troubles. I say that with tongue-in-cheek as he and I realize changing the world always starts with ourselves. I feel I am finding that facing and overcoming troubles is much more of an adventure than just an unwanted task. In my past I had the tendency to run from them. Now there is more of a desire to learn from the lessons. Just facing them is a lesson. May you have a wonderful day, overcoming any and all problems while learning life’s lessons! Stay warm!

    Hannah’s latte art – Showing off again
  • coffee life,  journal,  journaling

    Coffee Life

    “Religion isn’t about believing things. It’s ethical alchemy. It’s about behaving in a way that changes you, that gives you intimations of holiness and sacredness.”

    Karen Armstrong

    It’s cold or at least I’m cold. Have been all day. It was 20 degrees this morning when I headed for the coffee shop and I haven’t really warmed up since. However, walking into a warm coffee shop then having this work of art presented to me made it worth bearing the cold. Found a place upstairs and settled in for about an hour of journaling time before meeting Mark for breakfast. Had a pleasant surprise today as my youngest daughter had an electric throw blanket sent to me. I am enjoying it now. I wonder if the mocha latte is a form of alchemy? And, I’m assuming it’s ethical. Stay warm as it looks like much of the US is going to be cool the next few days and behave in a way that changes you!!!

  • coffee life,  gratitude,  I am learning...,  latte art,  quotes

    Showing off!

    Understanding of the self only arises in relationship, in watching yourself in relationship to people, ideas, and things; to trees, the earth, and the world around you and within you. Relationship is the mirror in which the self is revealed. Without self-knowledge there is no basis for right thought and action.

    Jiddu Krishnamurti

    Well, Hannah out did herself, showing off again, this morning with her latte art. I wonder sometimes if the reason I order mocha lattes is because of the artwork or because I enjoy their flavor. Think I’ll just go with both!

    We have clear blue skies and temperatures in the high teens but expecting it to warm up into the high 40’s. I love the mornings when the sun shines in my front room window, spreading its light across the floor and furniture. It is something I look forward to it each day. Depending on the time of year also determines the length of time I get to enjoy it.

    Relationships have become a vital learning experience in my life over the past 20 plus years. I am learning how to improve them, how to nurture them and how to build relationships with others who are different from me. I am learning to embrace relationships I would not expect to have, such as all my baristas. I am learning to repair damaged and broken relationships. And with the advent of the internet I’m also learning to embrace virtual relationships. I must also include the relationship I have with God, this unknown HIgher Power, that something I cannot define or comprehend, as well as a renewed relationship with all of creation. And, I am learning to be someone healthy in a relationship. As this year comes to a close I find I have a grateful heart for the gift of relationships in the year. 

  • coffee life,  fountain pens,  journal,  quotes

    … alive to everything

    For any writer who wants to keep a journal, be alive to everything, not just to what you’re feeling, but also to your pets, to flowers, to what you’re reading.

    Mary Sarton

    In all honesty I enjoy my efforts of journaling my thoughts, my feelings, as well as what I see around me. The practice helps me learn more about both. Interestingly, just taking the journal and pen out of my backpack helps me to really look at the gift of the world around me. Same thing happens when I take my camera out. So, as with photography, my attempts at putting in words how I see the world around me has helped me to see the world around me, with new perspectives. And lastly, I have a desire to be alive to everything and not just glance at the world around me, taking it for granted. Hoping you have a wonderful day!