• clouds,  consumer,  gratitude,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  sunrises

    Everything is a gift

    Living in a consumer society, as a consumer, means I am bombarded daily with the idea I do not have enough. And, that’s simply not true! The Rule of St. Benedict counsels contentment, that what we have is enough. But, along with being content is the idea of gratitude. I have the practice within my journals of writing a gratitude list on a regular basis. Along with that practice I also include a simple pray of thanks throughout my day as I look for the gifts offered. When I look back over those lists I see less and less material goods and more of the intangible things in life and includes so many of the simple things. So this morning I was grateful for time at Pineridge Natural Area and this predawn scene. It was a good start to this day and reminds me that everything is a gift! Sorry it’s a bit blurry but I shot it handheld at 1/20 sec in the wind and at 20 degrees. Grateful for my old gloves! Happy Sunday!

  • gratitude,  natural areas,  quotes,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area

    Grateful Eyes

    Rabbitbrush from yesterday afternoon’s walk at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area

    The practice of looking at the world through grateful eyes and with a grateful heart is an exquisite end in itself.

    Kristi Nelson

    A rather lovely day until late this afternoon when clouds moved in and the wind picked up. It is 52 degrees but it looks like 32 degrees. It’s been a quiet day filled with writing and journaling. Eating leftover soup and chocolates. Not at the same time!!!

  • Candid Portraits,  coffee life,  coffee shops,  gratitude,  haiku,  Holidays,  People/Portraits,  writing/reading

    Day of Thanksgiving

    with hands of gratitude
    wrapped around coffee cups
    they share morning time together
    a simple conversation
    sometimes without words 
    on this day of thanksgiving


    Since Mugs at the Oval was closed today I went to Mugs in Old Town. Streets were busy as they were having a foot race called the Turkey Trot. Being a people watcher I noticed a couple sitting across from me with their coffees. I was taken by their hands. So, I asked for and was given permission to take a couple images of their hands. Thank you, Scott and Michelle, and may you two have a wonderful day and life together!

    I have much to be grateful for in my life. I regularly journal a gratitude list and that is what I will do throughout this day. I find it a great habit and can place me in a better mood when I list what I have rather than what I don’t have (or think I need). I put on a crock pot of andouille sausage and vegetable soup that is good for a cold day as today. Have reached out to family and friends through text messaging and calls letting them know I love them and they are on the lists! The sun came out so I got a walk in and burned some calories. No pie for me this year but an apple fritter made it to my plate.

  • gratitude,  landscape,  natural areas,  Plants,  poems,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area,  shadows,  sunsets,  trees

    Last Chorus

    Horses graze as the sun sets behind old Cottonwood trees along Overland Trail

    I watch the sun set behind cottonwood trees while
    the blue sky opens to the coming darkness of night.
    The long shadows of the sun stretch over the pasture
    as my feathered friends sing their last chorus of the day.
    I’m filled with gratitude as this day comes to an end
    full of hope for the new day tomorrow.

  • gratitude,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  poems,  poetic journal,  poetry,  sunrises,  writing/reading

    Morning Sanctuaries

    My day begins in the sanctuary of my home.
    with the quiet of prayer and meditation.

    Then I make my way to the sanctuary
    of a local natural area.

    My feathered sisters and brothers greet me as the goldfinches,
    house finches, chickadees, meadowlarks, magpies,
    robins, swallows all sing songs of joy this morning.

    I watch their amazing aerial antics as they snatch insects in midair
    or playfully chase one another from branch to branch.

    My eyes catch that patient fisherman, the Great Blue Heron,
    who silently wades in the shallow waters of Dixon Reservoir.

    A pair of mallards cruise the waters of the reservoir
    sending their delicate wavelets to shore.

    A noisey crow pesters a red-tail hawk, both adrift in the baby blue sky.

    Two bashful cottontails step from their hiding place
    to nibble on blades of grass.

    My soul now filled with nature’s delights
    and the mind cleared of intrusive thoughts,
    I make my way to one of my coffee shop sanctuaries.

    Two young squirrels pause their wrestling
    to keep a watchful eye on me as I enter this sanctuary
    then scamper up a tree.

    Now sitting in a favorite chair enjoying my mocha latte,
    crafted with love by Emma.

    I now put pen to paper in my journal
    taking note of the ordinary gifts
    given in my morning sanctuaries.

  • clouds,  gratitude,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  sunrises

    Nature’s Invitation

    Waking early I took my camera to Pineridge Natural Area to watch the sun rise. It was cold this morning at 36 degrees. A frigid breeze was enticing the brown grass of the meadow and rabbit brush to joyfully dance together. I was greeted with a meadowlark singing its song of happiness, then joined by a second meadowlark. A couple of robins perched themselves on the fence in front of me and joined in with their glad tidings. I watched a goose smoothly paddle across the reservoir leaving behind its v-shaped wake. A pair of mallards circled above as if not sure where to go. A half dozen white pelicans used their webbed feet to silently float along the north end of the reservoir in search for food. I wonder if that’s where the big fish are?

    I offer thanks as I am never disappointed with the gifts nature gives me at these sacred places and times. I like to call these times gifts but they seem to be more than that. Could it be nature’s invitation to share our presence in all of creation? Maybe these times are the most natural thing we can do with nature. By now my hands were cold and I could picture in my mind wrapping them around a hot mocha latte. It has been a good start to a wonderful Sunday! May you have also have a wonderful Sunday!

  • clouds,  gratitude,  landscape,  Poudre River,  quotes,  seasons,  winter scenes

    Living This Life

    You pray in your distress and in your need; would that you might pray also in the fullness of your joy and in your days of abundance.

    Kahill Gibran

    Many who regularly read my posts are aware of my references to pray and mediation. Both have become integral parts of my life and are how I daily start and end my days.

    But, it hasn’t always been that way. I mainly prayed to the God I was introduced to in my upbringing in times of distress or to ask for my needs and wants to be granted, and many times bargaining. Prayer changed once I let go of that concept of God. I began to read and study about prayer from different faith traditions and authors. I’m still searching for a better grasp of prayer, its purpose and the source of that prayer. I enjoy this search.

    In all honesty, where I’ve grown the most in prayer is by practicing it. Through practice I’ve come to feel that prayer arises from within me rather than something I consciously do or say. It’s very much an internal dialogue. I’ve heard it said prayer is a the longing of the human heart for God, the Divine or whatever name we use. I enter into prayer in many ways. Prayer is spending time in nature, walking along the Poudre River or watching a sunrise. Being grateful at some deep place within me, I find to be prayer. Or the feeling I experience when I take a deep breath and oxygen enters my lungs is prayer. A good conversation with a friend brings a warm feeling and I know there has been some special connection with them, I find to be prayer also. I could go on but….

    I end this by saying I now find prayer to be experiencing joy, gratitude, connection, love, peace, justice and just living this life.