• coffee life,  coffee shops,  fountain pens,  journal,  Self-portraits,  writing/reading

    Bitter Cold Morning

    It was 0 (zero) degrees this morning when I left the condo at 6:33 am. As I dusted off the powdery snow from the car I wonder how many neighbors were questioning my sanity. Then I thought about how connected we really are to nature and the part I play in it, how I am bundled up and prepared for the weather, how beautiful this wintery seen is, and most importantly, how good my mocha latte will taste. Yes, there is a bit of insanity in my life. However, there is much less insanity than a few years ago. 😁

    About this image. It was taken by a lovely young lady at Mugs at CSU coffee shop. Unfortunately I failed to get her name so I could give her credit. The overcast sky and light reflecting off the snow gave this a nice light. She did a great job! I want to use it in an ongoing series of images that include myself, the journal, the fountain pen in the act of journaling. I already have images of the journals and pens taken over the years and will continue to add more. But I have very few of them that include me in the act of writing. Some images I can do it with a tripod and timer but this image required another person pressing the shutter button. The purpose is to share why I have been journaling almost daily for over 30 years. Now, if it was just a wee bit warmer, say 70 degrees warmer!!!! Oh, and my toes are cold.

  • People/Portraits,  Self-portraits


    Taken in March 2018

    Two years ago today they wheeled me into a cold operating room, opened up my chest, stopped my heart, replaced the aortic valve, restarted the heart then glued me back together (seriously). I’m still here. So what is my life like after major open heart surgery? Early recovery after surgery was a slow process but two years later I feel like all is well. I’m only on two medicines, 83 mg of bayer aspirin and Atorvastatin. Doctors tell me heart sounds good, so I’ll go with that and continue my now annual examinations. It is my responsibility to keep this body as healthy as I can so I walk regularly and eat as healthy as I can. I say that because every once in awhile I eat a DQ Blizzard when they are not looking. The doctors and nurses did their part. I want to now do my part.

    The past two years I’ve started and finished a book with images of horizons including thoughts I have on the horizons we all face in our lives. It’s written in my crude poetic form but it’s a start, something new. I have begun to read poetry which I had never done before. I’m blaming all this on the meds. Even began to experiment with haiku which I’m enjoying but taxing for most readers of this blog. I’ve started another small book that includes a few current images and the haikus I’ve written. About a year ago I had cataract surgery so I no longer need to wear glasses except to read. The change in my vision after eye surgery was amazing and without a doubt made me a much better photographer. 😁 So with the change in my vision and a new perspective on life I upgraded my camera this past year so I can be an even better photographer. 😁

    In all seriousness my heart is working just fine and is full of gratitude. I am also grateful for you who follow this blog, your comments of enlightenment and encouragement and for any prayers you may have offered! Yes, grateful!

  • clouds,  Fujifilm X-T3,  Fujifilm XF16-80mm f4.0,  John O'Donohue,  landscape,  natural areas,  poems,  Self-portraits,  trees

    A New Beginning

    Quiet time for reading among the pines at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area

    For a New Beginning

    In out-of-the-way places of the heart,
    Where your thoughts never think to wander,
    This beginning has been quietly forming,
    Waiting until you were ready to emerge.

    For a long time it has watched your desire,
    Feeling the emptiness growing inside you,
    Noticing how you willed yourself on,
    Still unable to leave what you had outgrown.

    It watched you play with the seduction of safety,
    And, the gray promises that sameness whispered,
    Heard the waves of turmoil rise and relent,
    Wondered would you always live like this.

    Then the delight, when your courage kindled,
    And out you stepped onto new ground,
    Your eyes young again with energy and dream,
    A path of plentitude opening before you.

    Though your destination is not yet clear,
    You can trust the promise of this opening;
    Unfurl yourself into the grace of beginning
    That is at one with your life’s desire.

    Awaken your spirit to adventure;
    Hold nothing back, learn to find ease in risk;
    Soon you will be home in a new rhythm
    For your soul senses the world that awaits you.

    John O’Donohue, To Bless the Space Between Us
  • People/Portraits,  Self-portraits

    We had some gray clouds yesterday afternoon that provided some very nice defused light in my bedroom, great for portraits. Unfortunately I had no beautiful model nearby so I grabbed an “old” standby. Had him stare out the window and took a half dozen shots. I like the lighting but sure can tell he needs a haircut and the beard trimmed. Probably lose half a million of my followers after posting this. 🙂 Have a super weekend!