• Black and White,  Camera Equipment,  fountain pens,  Fujifilm X-T3,  John O'Donohue,  Photography,  quotes,  writing/reading

    Giving Thanks

    A gracious mind has compassion and sensitive understanding. It is without greed; rather than concentrating on what is absent or missing, it is able to celebrate and give thanks for what is present.

    John O’Donohue, Beauty: The Invisible Embrace

    It’s 10 degrees outside. Drove to the natural area for the quiet and to journal. Did not stay long, though. Grateful to be warm and inside. Overcast sky and a few snowflakes have been sited. It has that cold wintery feel. And, it’s going to be cold for the next 4 days or so, very cold. I have coffee, chocolate, peanut butter, a new book of poetry (Devotions by Mary Oliver) and plenty of fountain pen ink. I’m good and giving thanks. Stay warm.

    The above image was shot with the Fujifilm Acros film simulation. The Fujifilm website describes Acros as: a recently introduced black & white mode that’s richer in clarity and sharpness, and was inspired by our NEOPAN 100 ACROS film, which was known for its fine grain, rich gradation, and outstanding sharpness. Like the MONOCHROME mode, it’s also available in yellow, red, and green versions, but ACROS also has an embedded graininess that matches the film emulsion original. I like it.

  • Camera Equipment,  clouds,  Fujifilm X-T3,  Fujifilm XF16-80mm f4.0,  haiku,  landscape,  natural areas,  Photography,  sunrises,  sunsets,  writing/reading

    Remain a Student

    December sunrise at Pineridge Natural Area -2020

    arise in darkness
    greet the morning sun
    be present to silence


    It is becoming quite evident to me that I get the best colors when I shoot between f5.6 – 13.0 when using this Fujifilm XF 16-80mm f4.0 lens. I think that is pretty typical for most lenes. For some reason it is more noticeable on this lens or it could just be me and my thinking. And, shooting at f11 gives a much different starburst than at f16.0. I must always remain a student! 👍

    Colors from last night’s sunset
  • Fujifilm X-T3,  Fujifilm XF16-80mm f4.0,  landscape,  mountains,  Photography

    Long Exposure

    Here is my attempt at a photo of the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. I tried going to both Arapaho Bend and Running Deer Natural Areas for photos but half of town was already there. So I ended up taking this last night at about 5:54:03 pm on County Road 90 between County Roads 13 and 15 in Weld County. Exposure data 35mm f4.0 @ 4 seconds, with a tripod. My first long exposure with the Fujifilm X-T3.

  • Camera Equipment,  Fujifilm X-T3,  Fujifilm XF16-80mm f4.0,  haiku,  landscape,  natural areas,  Photography,  Software,  sunrises,  writing/reading

    Gift of a New Day

    angel blue sky
    sun kissing the horizon
    gift of a new day


    I’m hoping you are not getting tired of seeing these sunrise images from Pineridge Natural Area. Took this one a week ago. I shoot raw so all my images are in a 3:2 format. Almost everything I post is cropped to a 16:9 format, especially if it’s a landscape. I seem to be drawn to it. I therefore find myself framing my images with knowledge that I will probably crop the image when processing.

  • clouds,  Fujifilm X-T3,  landscape,  Software,  storm clouds

    Passing Storm

    Passing storm at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area

    This image was taken last night as a nice rain storm was developing in the west. I could see the rain falling in the foothills so I drove out to the natural area. This allowed me to participate in the storm as it built up with wind, lightning, thunder and then the gentle rain. The image is a raw file using Adobe Landscape profile in Lightroom Classic. 

    I’m pleased with how solid the camera feels in my hands. The size and build are the draw even though there is a small weight increase. Also impressed with how snappy and quiet it can focus, which I would expect. The joystick is a joy!! I was pretty sure that it was going to be something I’d like. 

    I must admit I was overwhelmed when I first started reading the manual, even questioning my decision. There seemed so much to learn. I could not believe all the information provided in the viewfinder, to the point of almost forgetting to look at the subject when I first used it. But that has quickly died down by practicing with it. It will become second nature.

    I’ve only shot with raw files so still need to look at the jpeg files. The raw files are Huge! I’ve gone from about 30 meg to 50 meg, an increase of 30%. Glad I upgraded to the 4TB drives a few months ago. I imagine I will be deleting more images because of their size. 

  • Camera Equipment,  Fujifilm X-T10,  Fujifilm X-T3,  Photography


    Fujifilm X-T10 and Fujifilm X-T3

    My first thing I will mention on the new camera is the size difference. I have been shooting the smaller cameras for about 7 years so this X-T3 seems BIG. In comparison the X-T3 is about 5.5 ounces heavier than the X-T10 (30%), yet it is 13.5 ounces (40%) lighter than my Nikon D300. I’ll also mention that the XF16-80 f4.0 lens is much bigger than the XF18-55mm f2.0-4.0, weighing about 30% heavier. After saying that I must say the camera and lens fit nicely in my hands and comfortably. Oh, and the manual is twice as big!! Study time.

  • Camera Equipment,  Fujifilm X-T3,  Photography

    It was inevitable…

    Fujifilm X-T3 camera with XF16-80mm f4.0 lens just arrived

    First Tom did it, then Earl did it. So, I did it. I had to! Thought it would be wise to follow suit with two accomplished photographers. As many of you know I’ve been toying with upgrading for quite some time. Well, the time arrived. And, the camera and lens just arrived. Battery is charging. I’ll keep you informed as I get a better grasp on this upgrade. It was inevitable!