• landscape,  Plants,  quotes,  reflections,  sunrises,  trees

    Predawn Twilight

    Predawn light at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal in 2011

    “The most beautiful thing in the world is, of course, the world itself.”

    Wallace Stevens

    Sun has just set. Weather app says snow will begin after midnight and into tomorrow with 2-6 inches. Road conditions will not be good for commuters tomorrow morning or evening. This image was taken 11 eleven years ago at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal. I enjoyed going to this area for morning quiet time and photographs. Because of the reflection on those calm waters I was gifted with two views of this beautiful world that particular morning.

  • fall season,  Plants,  quotes,  seasons,  trees


    “The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing that stands in the way. Some see nature all ridicule and deformity… and some scarce see nature at all. But to the eyes of the man of imagination, nature is imagination itself.”

    William Blake

    The only constant is change and this morning was a prime example. It’s all worked out and been a good day. Have new chair for my bedroom that sits looking out my bay window and will use it for my quiet times, reading and journaling. Fits my buttocks! 😂 The above photo was taken on campus this past week. Love my tree friends! Now that the leaves are mostly gone we can see where the squirrels nests are. On my walk I smiled as leaves danced along side me in the wind. I am not taking my laptop to Phoenix this week so you will have a reprieve from my blog posts for four days. Have a great week.

  • fall season,  landscape,  Plants,  seasons,  snow,  street photography,  trees

    First Snowfall of the Year

    CSU Oval

    According to DIA we had our first measurable snowfall yesterday and through the night. They showed 4.5 inches at the airport while Fort Collins had maybe an inch. Still lovely and refreshing. Roads are clear so I easily made it to the coffee shop. As expected a few regulars there braving the weather on their bicycles. Not me! The sun was shining brightly by 9:00 am which allowed the more hardy souls to shed their jackets. Not me! I tell you this white stuff sure pulls out the fall colors.

    I received word this morning that my cousin, Kevin, died of a heart attack yesterday evening. No details on a service but if anyway possible I would like to attend. So, I could be making a road trip to the panhandle of Texas.

  • clouds,  landscape,  musings,  natural areas,  Plants,  quotes,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area,  sunrises,  trees,  writing/reading

    Happy Work

    Trailhead at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area

    Never, in peace or war, commit your virtue or your happiness to the future. Happy work is best done by the man who takes his long-term plans somewhat lightly and works from moment to moment… The present is the only time in which any duty can be done or any grace received.

    Albert Camus

    There are moments that simply happen through no conscious intention or will on anyone’s part. These are spiritual moments for me because they reach some deeper part of my being. They’re like a shutter speed of time, set aside, which nourishes my soul and adds to my life. This image was taken at that perfect moment when the light was illuminating the trees for only a few seconds. With the sun setting, the clouds moving rapidly, it truly was a matter of seconds. I was not aware of the shortness of time when I pressed the shutter. Only while looking at it on my screen at home did its impact hit me. This scene and image was a short moment in time and will never be repeated exactly like this again. It was one of a kind moment and one of a kind image and I stayed present for it. For that I’m grateful.

  • clouds,  fall season,  landscape,  Plants,  seasons,  trees

    Healing Music to My Soul

    I’ve been in a funk for 4-5 days. Realized I have not taken a photo in 4 days nor been to any of the Natural Areas to greet the sun in weeks. So unlike me. To solve that I made my way to Reservoir Ridge Natural Area for some writing and just sitting there listening. A robin began singing to me and the wind was blowing through the elm and cottonwood trees. It’s healing music to my soul. As I’ve mentioned before the fall colors are splendid this year.

    I have also talked to the nurse at the doctors office about the effects the blood pressure meds are having on me and the doctor is supposed to get back with me. I don’t like how I feel with this medication. I’m tired and lightheaded and even have some shortness of breath. My blood pressure numbers are good but we are expecting more than that.

  • landscape,  natural areas,  Plants,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area,  sunsets,  trees

    Busy Day

    It was a busy day yesterday. Started laundry about 7:00 am, made a quick trip to the grocery store then arrived at a coffee shop by 8:15 am. Had a zoom meeting at noon followed by a 2 1/2 hour lunch with my friend Duane. Finished off the day with a walk a Reservoir Ridge Natural Area for this image. I then curled up with a book and headed for bed.