clouds,  fall season,  landscape,  Plants,  seasons,  trees

Healing Music to My Soul

I’ve been in a funk for 4-5 days. Realized I have not taken a photo in 4 days nor been to any of the Natural Areas to greet the sun in weeks. So unlike me. To solve that I made my way to Reservoir Ridge Natural Area for some writing and just sitting there listening. A robin began singing to me and the wind was blowing through the elm and cottonwood trees. It’s healing music to my soul. As I’ve mentioned before the fall colors are splendid this year.

I have also talked to the nurse at the doctors office about the effects the blood pressure meds are having on me and the doctor is supposed to get back with me. I don’t like how I feel with this medication. I’m tired and lightheaded and even have some shortness of breath. My blood pressure numbers are good but we are expecting more than that.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    Monte, I’ve been taking blood pressure meds for the last 18 years, and there have been times when I’ve experienced similar tiredness and lightheadedness I thought was attributed to the meds. But other than those symptoms, it’s controlling my numbers, and there aren’t any other negative symptoms, so I’ve just learned to live with it. I’ve been on meds so long; I wonder how much is just getting older and how much is attributed to the meds. I hope you find a good balance.

    I love the photo. Have a good weekend!

    • Monte Stevens

      I’m hearing the same from others who have been using them for awhile. I’m sure that many factors play into the tiredness and lightheadedness such as dehydration, how well I sleep and what I eat. What I noticed the past two weeks was the lightheadedness when standing up after kneeling down to take a photo. I have also figured it was something I would just need to live with. Pretty sure my age has quite a bit to do with it. Have a great weekend!

      • Mark

        I have similar problems at times that I attribute to the BP meds, though I am on a pretty low dose – especially the part about bending over then standing up – dizzy often. Sometimes it seems worse than others, maybe due to my hydration levels. I know it is a known side effect.