Canon Powershot G12,  insects



These little buggers were all over the place. I found hundreds of these cicadas while on the same walk as yesterday’s image of the honeysuckle. There was not a sound from any of them as they rested among the shade. For me, a native of Colorado, I thought they were a locust of some sort but after asking around I discovered they’re called a cicada. A quick look at Wikipedia tells me they are an insect with large eyes wide apart on the head and usually transparent, well-veined wings. Pretty descriptive of what I saw. After learning what they were I remember listening to them at my grandmother’s house when I was a young boy. While taking this image one of them landed on my camera strap and just hung around with me for a while.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Mark

    These are interesting insects, you got a great shot of one here. I often find their molted skins around my yard, but rarely do I get to see such a close view like this. I would love to catch one in the act of making the noise they make in front of my camera!

    • Monte Stevens

      Thanks, Mark. This was a lucky shot as I was using the Canon G12, it was handheld and a slight breeze was blowing. After reading up on them, I discovered only the male makes the noise by using tymbals which are located on the sides of their abdomen. The females also have the tymbals but do not make the sound. Oh and the molted skins were all over the place.

    • Monte Stevens

      Well, beauty is not the first word to come to mind. However, there is a certain beauty that only nature could create. Look deep into those eyes, Earl. 🙂

  • Paul

    Nice, Monte. I’ve never seen one, save for the skins that they leave behind. However, on a warm summer night, their song is unmistakable and inescapable! 🙂