architecture,  Plants

The 'self' I Am

Leaves and Shutters

Chris Orwig mentions in his book Visual Poetry that if we tap into what makes us different, we can begin to find photographs that are uniquely our own. I agree! But, that suggests what makes us different must be important. I feel the deeper I come to understanding myself the more interesting my photography becomes and the clearer my vision.

When I take those walks with my camera I admit I am searching for a photograph. Yet my real purpose is to listen to what’s inside me. What I see and photograph is uniquely mine. Even if I had someone walking with their camera beside me, we each would come back with our own images. Case in point would be the Paul and Tom experience as they walked side-by-side on the streets of New York. What they saw and photographed was uniquely their own.

I am the photographer I am because life’s journey has helped to mold me to be the ‘self’ I am. The images I create are uniquely mine.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • QPB

    This caught my eye this morning. I particularly like the contrast of the red against the neutral and vines movement toward the top. Good eye.

  • Earl

    Monte, the photo has a wonderful composition of lines and color hues. I believe photography can serve as a tool to understand ourselves, giving us glimpses into our inner being.

  • BlindPoet

    Well said Monte. So so so true. In some ways it raises the question of what really speaks to others in an image. I see so many photos that are perfectly executed (that may be a pun) but they are cold and say nothing. There is a sense Michael Angelos ‘David’ doesn’t move me at all to look at it. Its too perfect,too beautiful, but when I know more about the man who created it and if I touch it things change. Computers can do perfect.
    You can have a perfect classroom teacher and who is organised and does paperwork to a tee (and the authorities and management love them) BUT they don’t communicate themselves or humanity with their students, a passion for life etc.
    I love seeing who you are in your images, and hearing your heart in what you write