landscape,  snow,  trees,  winter scenes

Colorado Springtime

The trees are straining under the weight of the ice and snow. The view in front of my bedroom window.

First they said 3-8 inches of snow, then they said 2-6 inches and then they said 8-12 inches. When I looked out the window this morning I could see that we have at least 6 inches and it’s still snowing. It’s not too cold which is a good thing for me. I ventured out and got a couple of images to share the beauty of the Colorado spring.

Looking down on the pond from the midway point on the stairs.

I’m looking down on the pond from the midway point of the stairs leading to the condos above me. Along this edge of the pond are large rocks where the Canada Geese and Mallards like to nest.They have been bickering for the past three weeks over nesting sites. Now they’re all hunkered down on the nests, keeping the eggs or young ones warm. But more importantly they are quiet.

The bicycle rack that gives some reference to the snow depth.

It is a wet snow so there will be plenty of moisture from this storm. I have not looked at other areas of Colorado. I did read that the brunt of the storm would be farther north in Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa, and even Michigan. Sharing some with you, Mark.

My car. No I’m not going to clean it or go anywhere. I’m home for the day.

In my last post I talked about wanting spring to enjoy the rains, thunderstorms, flowers, weeds and sunny walks. This is not what I was talking about.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.