Photography,  Plants

Cone Flower

Cone Flower
Cone Flower

I wanted to post this image as like the colors but there are thousands cone flower images like this. I asked myself how I could I make this image different? If anyone has followed my photography over the past few years you will notice I do very little post processing. After some tweaking around with Lightroom 2 this is what I came up with. What do ya think? Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    Monte, with the bright complimentary colors, the natural backlighting and your tweaks have all created a beautiful image. I like the softness of it.

  • lwroffee

    I like the results. Nice job. Your treatment gives it a dreamy ethereal quality. The amount of post processing I did on my post yesterday gave me some the same qualms. I want to be as faithful as possible to the subject, but Lightroom or Photoshop can make things pop. If Ansel Adams can do it, so can we.