poems,  poetry,  quotes

Connected to all things

Colorado sunrise from October of 2005

If we look at the Path, we do not
see the Sky..

We are Earth People on a
Spiritual Journey through the Stars..

Our Quest, our Earth Walk..
is to look within,
to know who we are,
to see that we are connected
to all things, that there is no separation,
only in the mind!

Lakota Seer

As a young man I spent a lot of time in nature which included walking and riding a bicycle almost everywhere. I spent almost no time in front of a television. I am grateful for that childhood. At some point I attained the coveted drivers license and life took on a new direction. I did less walking and driving and less time in nature. I then began chasing a career that put me in front of a computer, within a cubicle and less time in nature. I began to spend less and less time in nature to the point where I lost a connection to nature. I viewed it as separate from me. More than 20 years ago there was a shift in seeing that we are connected to all things. Getting back into photography and practicing a spiritual life were key elements in that shift. There is a desire within me to have more of that connection and thus the reason this poem strikes a chord with me.

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.