
Early Moonrise

Moon and Deer

This image was taken in the early afternoon at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal. The moon had risen about an hour earlier and the sun is just setting behind me. Even though the deer within the refuge are protected and accepting to us visitors, they always seem to keep a wary eye on us. If we were to study animals more we would see how adaptive they are to the world around them while man seems bent on changing the world around him.

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    Monte, you’ve been getting some great photos from the Rocky Mountain Arsenal. These deer have good reason to be wary of man…and are wise to use the “trust but verify” method. Beautiful scene.

    If man were as passively adaptive as these deer we’d probably still be living in caves or huts. 🙂 Changing the world is not the problem — it’s how we’ve chosen to change it. Even in fixing the problems we’ve created we must try and not “toss out the baby along with the bath water. “

    • Monte Stevens

      I hope my words have not been too negative lately, both in my posts and in my comments. I’m uncomfortable with our attitudes towards nature, which includes me. It seems we need to see nature with new eyes and make the effort to understand our need to co-exist.

  • Anita Jesse

    What a terrific combination. Leave out either the moon or the deer and, as Ken said, it would be very good. You got the whole package and this one is exceptional. No wonder you are making return trips to the location.